• Forum
  • Forum


This year, the Jeju Forum hosted 3,672 participants from 49 countries, the largest number in the forums history, signaling its growing importance as an international forum that deals comprehensively with a variety of topics. With one voice, Asian political leaders and erudite scholars from around the world expressed their yearning for peace on the Korean Peninsula, and delivered the East Asian communitys shared vision of a peaceful, constructive resolution to historical and territorial disputes in Asia, founded on mutual understanding.  Seeking global cooperation that befits this anticipated paradigm shift, a broad range of topics was considered, including the economy, culture, women, energy, and climate change. As a result of these discussions, new measures were devised to respond effectively to various crises and changes.Based on the fruits of this years discussions.

Host: Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, International Peace Foundation, East Asia Foundation, JoongAng Ilbo 
Organizer: Jeju Peace Institute

외교부 Ministry of Foreign Affairs

제주국제자유도시개발센터 Jeju Free International City Development Center

국립외교원 Korea National Diplomatic Academy

대한국제법학회 Korean Society of the International Law

동북아역사재단 Northeast Asian History Foundation

서울과학종합대학원 a Seoul School of Integrated Sciences & Technologies

일본 다마대학교 Tama University of Tokyo

인간개발연구원 Korea Human Development Institute

제주특별자치도개발공사 Jeju Province Development Corporation

제주대학교 Jeju National University

제주발전연구원 Jeju Development Institute

제주한라대학교 Cheju Halla University

차이나매거진 China Magazine

프리드리히나우만재단 Friedrich Naumann Foundation

한국국제교류재단 Korea Foundation

한국국제협력단 Korea International Cooperation Agency

한국양성평등교육진흥원 Korean Institute for Gender Equality Promotion and Education

한아세안센터 ASEAN-Korea Centre

KB국민은행 KB Kookmin Bank

블랙야크 Black Yak

()한라산Hallasan Corporation