• Forum
  • Forum


The 6th Jeju Forum evaluated the challenges and opportunities the rise of China and the reunification of the Korean peninsula will offer. The Forum also took note of the great potential of new growth on the basis of the Asian entrepreneurship. With this background, various programs on Korea-China economic cooperation are prepared. The contents of new standard and its perspectives were reviewed. New growth potential, creative industry, new leadership, the future of education and the role of women were also addressed. Peace and common prosperity on the Korean peninsula and East Asia through the promotion of mutual understanding was discussed. The cultural exchanges and fusion in East Asia was reviewed and we evaluated how it is promoting the sense of community among the Asian peoples. Various issues of peace in East Asia such as the resolution of the North Korean nuclear problem, historical reconciliation and maritime security are among the topics. The recent natural disaster of Japan was reviewed and among the related topics are how to deal with the climate change and natural disasters.

Host: Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, International Peace Foundation, East Asia Foundation, JoongAng Ilbo 
Organizer: Jeju Peace Institute 

외교통상부 Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

국토해양부 Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs

대통령직속미래기획위원회 Presidential Council for Future & Vision

제주국제자유도시개발센터 Jeju Free International City Development Center

한국국제교류재단 Korea Foundation

동북아역사재단 Northeast Asian History Foundation

제주대학교 Jeju National University

제주발전연구원 Jeju Development Institute

서울과학종합대학원 a Seoul School of Integrated Sciences & Technologies

코리아DMZ협의회 Korea DMZ Council

유엔거버넌스센터 UN Project Office on Governance 

현대자동차 Hyundai Motor Company

오슬로국제평화연구소 Peace Research Institute Oslo 

한국외국어대학교 Hankuk University of Foreign Studies

대한지질학회 Geological Society of Korea

산업정책연구원 The Institute for Industrial Policy Studies