• World Leaders Messages
  • HAN Duck-soo
    Prime Minister of Republic of Korea
    한덕수 대한민국 국무총리
    Keynote Address during Opening Ceremony, 2023
    제18회 제주포럼 개회식 기조연설 中
    "대한민국의 인도·태평양 전략은 인도·태평양 지역의 모든 국가를 포용하고 자유무역과 개방경제를 지향합니다. 인도·태평양 지역 국가들의 협력과 연대로 보편적 가치를 수호하고 함께 상생하고 번영하는 공동체로 발전하기를 기원합니다."
  • Jose Ramos-Horta
    President of the Republic of Timor-Leste
    동티모르 대통령 / 1996년 노벨 평화상 수상자
    Keynote Address during Opening Ceremony, 2023
    제18회 제주포럼 개회식 기조연설 中
    "The Jeju Forum has gained reputation as one of the most influential for exchange of views on the challenges of our times, of fast developing regional and global issues, debt crisis, pandemics, sustainable development, digitization, AI, renewable energy, green economy, fresh water scarcity, food security, climate change, wars of aggression."
  • BAN Ki-moon
    8th UN Secretary General
    반기문 제8대 유엔사무총장
    Keynote Address during Opening Ceremony, 2023
    제18회 제주포럼 개회식 기조연설 中
    "Jeju Forum for Peace and Prosperity is one of many symbolic events which this island can offer. Jeju Forum was launched in 2001 as a dynamic platform for timely dialogue that not only shares visions for peace on the Korean Peninsula, in East Asia, and the world; but also seeks creative solutions through international cooperation."
  • KIM Jinpyo
    Speaker of the National Assembly of Republic of Korea
    김진표 대한민국 국회의장
    Congratulatory Remarks during Opening Ceremony, 2023
    제18회 제주포럼 개회식 축사 中
    "대한민국국회의 「제주포럼」 참여는‘역내 평화와 번영을 위한 연대의 길’을제시해왔던 제주포럼이, 보다 실천적으로 정책을 제안하고 추진하는 협의체로서 역할을 다 할 수 있도록 하는 좋은 계기가 될 것입니다."
  • Rosemary A. DiCarlo
    Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs
    로즈매리 디칼로 UN 정무평화구축국 사무차장
    Congratulatory Remarks during Opening Ceremony, 2023
    제18회 제주포럼 개회식 축사 中
    "Regional platforms like the Jeju Forum have a critical role to play. They help increase trust and reduce misperceptions. They help insulate regional cooperation from great power politics...Through events like the Jeju Forum, we can forge common understanding and explore avenues for joint action."
  • HAN Duck-soo
    Prime Minister of Republic of Korea
    한덕수 대한민국 국무총리
    Congratulatory Remarks during Opening Ceremony, 2022
    제17회 제주포럼 개회식 축사 中
    우크라이나 전쟁과 미중갈등, 기후변화와 팬데믹, 식량과 에너지 위기 등 매우 복합적인 이슈들이 국제사회를 크게 위협하고 있습니다. 국제사회가 머리를 맞대는 긴밀한 협력을 통해 다양한 과제들을 함께 풀어나가는 지혜로운 전략이 필요합니다.
  • Jose Ramos-Horta
    President of the Republic of Timor-Leste
    동티모르 대통령
    Keynote Address during Opening Ceremony, 2022
    제17회 제주포럼 개회식 기조연설 中
    We have reconciled with all other countries in the past that were against us. We have reconciled that Timor-Leste has no political violence, no prosecution of people involved in the violence of the past.
  • Megawati Soekarnoputri
    5th President of Indonesia
    제5대 인도네시아 대통령
    Keynote Address during Opening Ceremony, 2022
    제17회 제주포럼 개회식 기조연설 中
    The main idea to realize the new world order remains relevant in any situation. A world of peace, prosperity, and justice is the voice of all peoples of the nation, the voice of mankind
    without exception.
  • BAN Ki-moon
    8th UN Secretary General
    제8대 유엔사무총장
    Keynote Address during Opening Ceremony, 2022
    제17회 제주포럼 개회식 기조연설 中
    Global crises have underlined our interconnectedness. They have also made it clear that we need global solutions to holistically address the great challenges that we are unprecedentedly facing in human history

  • Larry Hogan
    Governor of Maryland, USA
    미국 메릴랜드 주지사
    Keynote Address during Opening Ceremony, 2022
    제17회 제주포럼 개회식 기조연설 中
    We want leaders who can discuss and debate with as much civility as passion, and with a view to persuade, not to intimidate to encourage not demonize or defeat. We believe that free and fair trade can be mutually beneficial.
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