13:30 ~ 14:50 | 한국국제협력단 Korea International Cooperation Agency |
접경지역에서의 개발-환경-평화 넥서스 접근 방안 모색 Integrated Approach for Development, Environment and Peace Nexus in Borderlands |
Halla |
오늘날 기후변화, 자연재해, 분쟁, 팬데믹, 양극화 등 전 지구적 이슈가 더욱 심화되고 있는 상황에서, 상기 문제들은 개발 협력에 있어서 단편적이거나 단일 이슈로서가 아닌 통합적 관점에서의 접근이 어느 때보다도 요구되고 있음. 이에 국내외 사례 연구 및 사업 이행을 위한 가이드라인 집필 작업 주요 결과를 기반으로 상기 넥서스 접근법 활용 및 적용 가능성을 검토·논의하고 관련 경험을 공유·논의하는 자리를 마련함으로써 동 이슈에 대한 어젠다를 확산하고자 함. Violence and conflict in borderlands are inseparable from environmental degradation and hinder social development. This close connection, however, also provides the potential to reverse the vicious cycle of conflict, disruption to nature and social exclusion and move, through a holistic transformative approach, toward a virtuous cycle of peace, ecological integrity and inclusive development. In this session, speakers will introduce the findings and lessons drawn from the research project “The Development-Environment-Peace Nexus in Borders and Borderlands (DEEPEN)” conducted by UNRISD to answer questions associated with the institutions, policies and actors that can transform borders from locations of antagonism, exclusion and environmental disruption to places of cooperation, inclusion, ecological integrity and, ultimately, peace. Challenging conventional approaches and introducing innovative theories and practices of integrated approach-based projects for sustainable and peaceful development in borderlands, this session will invite the audience to explore the complex relationships between development, environment and peace in borderlands and find solutions. |
Speaker |
[Congratulatory Remarks]LEE Yun-young |