The 7th Jeju Forum for Peace and Prosperity reviewed these changes within historic context and highlight the future of Asia. The work of the forum was to pursue peace and common prosperity of the region on the basis of a sense of community. The interdependence and cultural fusion in Asia are surely contribute to the promotion of this sense of community. The issue of common prosperity was addressed and the potentiality of new growth on the basis of Asian entrepreneurship was explored. New growth engines, future of the IT industry, environmental conservation, sustainable management, financial cooperation, official development assistance, welfare expansion, city design, and the role of women are among the forum's topic.

Host: Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, International Peace Foundation, East Asia Foundation, JoongAng Ilbo 
Organizer: Jeju Peace Institute

외교통상부 Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

국토해양부 Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs

제주국제자유도시개발센터 Jeju Free International City Development Center

국립외교원 Korea National Diplomatic Academy

글로벌녹색성장연구소 Global Green Growth Institute

동북아역사재단 Northeast Asian History Foundation

서울과학종합대학원 a Seoul School of Integrated Sciences & Technologies

세종연구소 Sejong Institute

인간개발연구원 Korea Human Development Institute

제주대학교 Jeju National University

제주발전연구원 Jeju Development Institute

제주한라대학교 Cheju Halla University

코리아DMZ협의회 Korea DMZ Council

차이나매거진 China Magazine

KB 국민은행 KB Kookmin Bank

통일정책연구협의회 Research Council on Unification Policy

한경비즈니스 Hankyung Business

한국국제교류재단 Korea Foundation

한국국제협력단 Korea International Cooperation Agency

한국교통연구원 The Korea Transport Institute

한국양성평등교육진흥원 Korean Institute for Gender Equality Promotion and Education

김만덕기념사업회 KIM Man Deok Memorial Foundation