• World Leaders Messages
  • Salam FAYYAD
    Former Prime Minister of Palestine
    살람 파야드 전 팔레스타인 총리
    Congratulatory Remarks, 2014
    (제9회 포럼 축사中)
    The world order is changing, but this order, that is, the new world order, does not adequately reflect this change as it ought to. Indeed, it needs to reflect the current relationship between power and architecture in the world. The longer it takes to reflect these things, the longer it will take to establish a global order.
  • LI Zhaoxing
    Former Foreign Minister of China
    리자오싱 전 중국 외교부장
    Keynote during the Opening Ceremony, 2014
    (제9회 포럼 기조연설中)
    We should intensify dialogue and consultations and deepen mutual trust, with a view to jointly safeguarding Asia’s security and stability. Secondly, we should push forward regional cooperation and deepen economic and trade ties, with a view to jointly promoting regional development and prosperity.
  • Julia GILLARD
    Former Prime Minister of Australia
    줄리아 길라드 전 호주 총리
    Keynote during the Opening Ceremony, 2014
    (제9회 포럼 기조연설中)
    Australia and Korea are such good friends. We have deep and rich ties. As Prime Minister I visited Korea three times, including in 2011 to mark the 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties between the Republic of Korea and Australia and the 60th anniversary of the battle of Kapyong, a hard fight in a costly war.
  • Yukio HATOYAMA
    Former Prime Minister of Japan
    하토야마 유키오 전 일본 총리
    Keynote during the Opening Ceremony, 2013
    (제8회 포럼 기조연설中)
    The keyword in the development of human civilization is not conflict but collaboration. Now is the time for Japan to adopt an appropriate diplomatic approach and begin working together with South Korea and China to achieve the grand vision of an East Asia Community.
  • Mahathir bin MOHAMAD
    Former Prime Minister of Malaysia
    마하티르 모하마드 전 말레이시아 총리
    Keynote during the Opening Ceremony, 2013
    (제8회 포럼 기조연설中)
    I hope that we all give some time to think about this, making war a crime, so that we will not waste the lives of our young, so that we will not kill so many people, but instead, we should be very wealthy ? because the money that today is being spent on weapons would be spent on the welfare of humanity.
  • JUNG Hongwon
    Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea
    정홍원 국무총리
    Keynote during the Opening Ceremony, 2013
    (제8회 포럼 기조연설中)
    Since its establishment in 2001, the Jeju Forum has grown into an important forum that seeks peace and mutual prosperity in Asia. I anticipate lively discussions on Asia’s role in the rapidly changing world and measures for international cooperation, under the theme “New Waves in Asia.” In the rapidly changing international order, Asia’s role is...
  • Paul John KEATING
    Former Prime Minister of Australia
    폴 키팅 전 호주 총리
    Keynote during the Opening Ceremony, 2012
    (제7회 포럼 기조연설中)
    The promotion of economic and strategic cooperation between Asian powers is the key to Asian stability, not resort to strategic blocks or military arrangements with non-Asian powers like India and if we regard Japan as offshore Asian, Japan.
  • Omurbek BABANOV
    Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan
    오무르벡 바바노프 키르기스탄 총리
    Keynote during the Opening Ceremony, 2012
    (제7회 포럼 기조연설中)
    I would like to emphasize that the chosen topics for discussion as never clearly outline the "impact" area for discussion during the Forum. Topics of diplomacy, economic integration, environmental protection and education have now become of particular relavance.
  • Lamberto ZANNIER
    OSCE Secretary General
    람베르토 자니에르 OSCE 사무총장
    Keynote during the Opening Ceremony, 2012
    (제7회 포럼 기조연설中)
    There is a strong Asian dimension to our Partnership. Our Asian Partners for Co-operation include Korea, Japan, Afghanistan, Thailand, Australia and Mongolia. The last of these is actively pursuing becoming a participating State of the OSCE.
  • KIM Hwang Sik
    Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea
    김황식 국무총리
    Keynote during the Opening Ceremony, 2012
    (제7회 포럼 기조연설中)
    As suggested by the theme of this forum, ‘New Trends and the Future of Asia,’ the world is undergoing major transitions.
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