• World Leaders Messages
    Former President of East Timor Nobel Peace Laureate in 1996
    호세 라모스 오르타 전 동티모르 대통령 1996년 노벨평화상 수상자
    Special Dialogue during the Special Dialogue Session, 2018
    제13회 제주포럼 특별대담 中
    There are no short cuts to peace. The road might be fraught with man-made obstacles, stemming from individual or collective experiences, perceptions and fears that have been exacerbated by personal ambition and egos of those at the center.
  • AZOULAY Audrey
    Director-General of UNESCO
    오드레 아줄레 유네스코 사무총장
    Special Dialogue during the Special Lecture Session, 2018
    제13회 제주포럼 특별강연 中
    we must once again find the path of strong miltilateralism. And I wish to reiterate here today that multilateralism is not the sum of individual interests, the addition of bilateral relationships.
  • PUNSALMAA Ochirbat
    Former President of Mongolia
    푼살마 오치르바트 전 몽골 대통령
    Keynote Speech during World Leaders Session 2017
    제12회 포럼 세계지도자세션 기조연설 中
    We have experienced a great deal of difficulties and sufferings. However, we can take pride in what we have achieved without repeating mistakes. I believe it is more effective and meaningful to design a vision for prosperity based on our potential and to explore the concrete means and mechanisms for it. The common vision of Asian countries lies in
    Former President of Portugal
    아니발 카바코 실바 전 포르투갈 총리
    Keynote Speech during World Leaders Session 2017
    제12회 포럼 세계지도자세션 기조연설 中
    My question is the following: can the reinforcement of the relationship between the European Union and East Asia contribute to security and prosperity in the region? I think so. The European Union is the biggest economic area in the world, ahead of the United States, and it is the world’s biggest trading power in terms of exports and imports
    5th President of Indonesia
    메가와티 수카르노푸트리 제5대 인도네시아 대통령
    Keynote Speech during World Leaders Session 2017
    제12회 포럼 세계지도자세션 기조연설 中
    This time, my attendance to Jeju Island is shrouded with grief. Only a few days ago, a suicidal bombing in
    Jakarta, Indonesia, took the lives of several people. This was, however, not the first attack that our country
    had to bear. Attacks driven by religious bigotry..
  • Al GORE
    Former US Vice President
    앨 고어 전 미국 부통령
    Congratulatory Remarks During Opening Ceremony 2017
    제12회 포럼 축사 中
    There is an old African proverb that says, “If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” The essence of our challenges in the year 2017 in our modern world is that we have to go far quickly, which means that we must have a common vision.
  • MOON Jae-in
    President of the Republic of Korea
    문재인 대한민국 대통령
    Congratulatory Video Message During Opening Ceremony 2017
    제12회 포럼 개회식 영상축하 메시지 中
    Jeju is a ‘world-renowned environmental treasure-island’ which has been awarded as the UNESCO’s prestigious triple crown - a World Natural Heritage site, a Biosphere Reserve and a Global Geopark. Although your stay may be brief, I hope all of you can fully enjoy this wonderful island. But what makes this island truly beautiful is its people.
  • BAN Ki-moon
    Secretary-General of the United Nations
    반기문 유엔 사무총장
    Keynote during the Opening Ceremony
    (제11회 포럼 기조연설 中)
    Ban Ki-moon is the eighth Secretary-General of the United Nations. His priorities have been to mobilize world leaders around a set of new global challenges, from climate change and economic upheaval to pandemics and increasing pressures involving food, energy and water.
  • HWANG Kyo-ahn
    Prime Minister of Republic of Korea
    황교안 대한민국 국무총리
    Keynote during the Opening Ceremony 2016
    (제11회 제주포럼 기조연설 中)
    Asian countries are moving quickly towards regional economic integration, examples of which include the Trans-Pacific Partnership, TPP, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, RCEP, and the ASEAN Economic Community, AEC..
  • Tomiichi MURAYAMA
    Former Prime Minister of Japan
    무라야마 도미이치 전 일본 총리
    Keynote during the Opening Ceremony 2016
    (제11회 포럼 기조연설 中)
    Japan took over Taiwan from China’s Qing Dynasty after winning the 1894-1895 Sino-Japanese War and colonized Korea after winning the 1904-1905 Russo-Japanese War. The Murayama Statement offered apologies for the entire history of Japan’s 50 year colonial rule over its neighbors, which started with the wars against China and Russia...
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