• World Leaders Messages
  • KIM Boo-kyum
    Prime Minister of Republic of Korea
    김부겸 대한민국 국무총리
    Keynote Address during Closing Ceremory, 2021
    제16회 제주포럼 폐회식 기조연설 中
    제주포럼이 시작된 지 올해로 스무 해가 됩니다.
    분단 이후 최초로 남북정상회담이 열렸던 이듬해에,
    한반도의 평화를 염원하는 우리 모두의 마음을 담아
    제주포럼이 시작되었습니다.
  • Francois Hollande
    Former President of France
    전 프랑스 대통령
    Congratulatory Remarks during Opening Ceremony, 2021
    제16회 제주포럼 개회식 축사 中
    “Now, we are returning to multilateralism. We are involving the international community and revisiting international agreements. This is how we will win the trust for democracy and support from the private sector.”

  • Abhijit V. Banerjee
    Professor of MIT / 2019 Nobel Prize in Economics laureate
    매사추세츠 공과대학교 교수 / 2019년 노벨 경제학상 수상자
    Special Dialogue during Youth Session, 2021
    제16회 제주포럼 청년세션 中
    “One of the ways in which one should take advantage of one’s youth and the opportunity of being from a wealthier country is to try to do good for the world. This is your opportunity. You can change the world.”
  • Mikhail Gorbachev
    Former President of Soviet Union / 1990 Nobel Peace Prize laureate
    전 소련 대통령 / 1990년 노벨 평화상 수상자
    Congratulatory Remarks during Special Session, 2021
    제16회 제주포럼 특별세션 축사 中
    “Humanity needs to work it out together to reach a new level of international cooperation and contribute to a more reliable system of international security.”

  • Abhisit Vejjajiva
    Former Prime Minister of Thailand
    전 태국 총리
    Keynote Speech during Opening Ceremony, 2021
    제16회 제주포럼 개회식 기조연설 中
    “We need politics that respect the rights of all, that encourage full participation from the people, that is sufficiently decentralized to address the diverse needs of people in society. Only inclusive politics can deliver inclusive prosperity.”

  • Kevin Rudd
    Former Prime Minister of Australia
    전 호주 총리
    Congratulatory Remarks during Opening Ceremony, 2021
    제16회 제주포럼 개회식 축사 中
    “The global challenges we face are increasingly pressing. Climate change, combating the pandemic and the next pandemic, improving public health, global economic recovery, global financial stability, stability in debt markets and nuclear arms control are examples of where cooperation will be necessary for the world’s interests."
  • Bill Clinton
    Former President of the United States
    전 미국 대통령
    Congratulatory Remarks during Opening Ceremony, 2020
    제15회 제주포럼 개회식 축사 中
    “We have to present our terms to develop our future, one of our inclusive prosperity, inclusive society, inclusive politics and active citizenship. We need to show that addition and multiplication are much better than subtraction and division.”
  • Antonio Guterres
    Secretary-General of the United Nations
    유엔 사무총장
    Congratulatory Remarks during Opening Ceremony, 2020
    제15회 제주포럼 개회식 축사 中
    "Cooperation is fundamental to address all of challenges of our time. Working for peace, extending universal discourse, delivering the sustainable development goals, and preventing disasters and crisis of all kinds.”
  • Matteo Renzi
    Former Prime Minister of Italy
    전 이탈리아 총리
    Keynote Speech during the World Leaders Session, 2020
    제15회 제주포럼 세계지도자세션 기조연설 中
    "Covid19 shows everyone the importance of a common answer, a common act, and a common strategy of prevention. We understand that we cannot accept a life of social distance because we need mutual relation."
  • Jacques Attali
    Founder of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
    유럽부흥개발은행 설립자
    Keynote Speech during the Closing Session, 2020
    제15회 제주포럼 폐막세션 기조연설 中
    “What we need today is an ideology of altruism which means to understand the fact that being good to others is not only good for the others but also good for ourselves.”
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