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The Theme of the 2022 Jeju Forum 2022-04-13
작성자  |  제주포럼


The Theme of the 2022 Jeju Forum

Beyond Conflict, Towards Peace: 

Coexistence and Cooperation

September 14–16, 2022 ㅣ Jeju, the Republic of Korea

The 17th Jeju Forum will take place September 14–16, 2022 under the theme of “Beyond Conflict, Towards Peace: Coexistence and Cooperation.” Today, the world is mired in multiple conflicts and crises, from the Russo-Ukrainian war to the US-China rivalry, COVID-19 pandemic and climate change. It is incumbent on us to overcome these problems and move towards peace. Proposing coexistence and cooperation as its core agenda, the 2022 Jeju Forum seeks to chart a roadmap to peace beyond conflict and serve as a platform for public discussion. This year’s Jeju Forum will be an opportunity for leaders, experts and the public around the world to share their insights and contribute to a collective intelligence for promoting peace through coexistence and cooperation.



The year 2022 marks the passing of a generation since the end of the Cold War and the 30th anniversary of Europe’s declaration of integration in Maastricht. This year also commemorates the 50th anniversary of US President Nixon’s visit to China, which opened the door for US-China exchanges post-World War II. However, events such as the intensifying US-China strategic competition and the deteriorating situation surrounding the Russian invasion of Ukraine are threatening to undo the international efforts of the past century aimed at achieving peace. A new Cold War is emerging as the new normal we have been yearning for amid the ongoing pandemic. Moreover, issues such as environmental problems, climate change, resource depletion and cyberattacks are worsening as our attention is diverted to the pandemic and the war in Ukraine.

Humanity must actively seek ways to overcome these new conflicts and divisions. We need to find new solutions for the crises we face. Hence, the Jeju Peace Institute has chosen “Beyond Conflict, Towards Peace: Coexistence and Cooperation” as the main theme of the 17th Jeju Forum, aiming to propose a path towards peace.

First, humanity needs to rethink coexistence. Coexistence means acknowledging the existence of others with different positions and purposes. A consensus on coexistence is the very basis of human existence. The moment one refuses to recognize coexistence with others, a potential conflict is turned into a violent reality, a vicious cycle of violence that spirals out of control into an abyss. It was only after experiencing the terrible reality of violence that humanity learned that we must never again solve problems through violence. With the passing of time, however, we have repeatedly forgotten that lesson. We must remember above all that the destruction of others does not guarantee our peace and prosperity and that even in times of peace and prosperity, conflicts and antagonism among nations and societies continued to exist. We must, therefore, once again find a new consensus on how to coexist, uphold that promise and continue mankind’s history in peace.

Next, we must return to cooperation. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about an unprecedented global crisis. The interdependent, face-to-face world based on globalization has come to a standstill. Direct exchanges between countries have decreased sharply and the in-person social life that we shared has turned into one that is not in-person. We wished for a swift end to digital exchanges, hoping for direct dialogues and discussions. Yet, the war in Ukraine is freezing up the world again. As conflicts buried by the pandemic resurface, we need to think about how countries will cooperate to solve the current and post-conflict crises.

The war in Ukraine may be a precursor to emerging conflicts in the post-pandemic world. We must consider its implications and ripple effects so that the world does not return to a vicious cycle of conflict and violence. The international community must continue to cooperate to end the war in Ukraine as well as conflicts everywhere else as quickly as possible, so that people can return to their homes and recover from the devastations of the war. International cooperation, which has been suspended due to the pandemic, must be restored. Above all, the global economy should be restored by repairing the global supply chain damaged by the pandemic and the U.S.-China strategic competition. Furthermore, post-crisis international cooperation should expand to include environmental issues, climate change, resource issues and the fourth technological revolution. International cooperation in times of crisis as well as post-crisis times are very important for future peace and prosperity and the environment, climate, resources and technology will be the basis for such cooperation.

To this end, the 17th Jeju Forum seeks to find ways towards peace through coexistence and cooperation amid the war in Ukraine and the deepening US-China strategic competition. With the participation of prominent world leaders, Nobel Peace Prize winners, experts and activists, the Jeju Forum each year serves as a forum for discourse to achieve peace and prosperity in Jeju, the Korean Peninsula, East Asia and the world. This year’s Jeju Forum is expected to be an opportunity to introduce and spread the knowledge and wisdom of leaders, experts and the public around the world on the implications, examples and practices of coexistence and cooperation in an era of new crisis. The 17th Jeju Forum will be held September 14–16, 2022.


File : the theme of the 2022 jeju forum.pdf