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[2021 제주포럼] 제16회 제주포럼 대주제 안내 2021-03-30
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제16회 제주포럼 대주제

지속가능한 평화, 포용적 번영 >


제16회 제주포럼의 대주제는 ‘지속가능한 평화, 포용적 번영(Sustainable Peace, Inclusive Prosperity)’이다. 이번 제주포럼은 인류가 직면한 다양한 도전과 위협에 대해 논의하고, 현세대뿐만 아니라 미래세대를 위한 평화와 번영을 위한 공동의 대응책을 모색하는 장이 될 것이다. 

각국의 코로나19 대책, 세계 경제 회복, 바이든 행정부 출범, 강대국 갈등, 기후변화, 제4차 산업혁명과 신기술의 등장 등 2021년 전 세계가 주목하고 있는 다양한 화제, 그리고 궁극적으로 세계의 평화와 번영을 이루는 방안 등을 논의하는 담론의 장이 될 것이다.

올해는 냉전이 종식된 지 30년이 되는 해이다. 30년 전 우리는 냉전 이후의 세계에는 평화만이 가득할 거라는 장밋빛 미래를 상상하곤 했다. 하지만 2021년 현재 우리는 여전히 평화를 달성하는 방안을 찾기 위해 분주히 움직이고 있다. 평화로 향하는 길이 여전히 험난하게 느껴지는 이유는 우리가 오늘날 복합위기(multiple crises)의 시대를 살아가고 있기 때문이다. 냉전 시대에만 해도 우리는 국가 간 군사외교적 갈등을 줄이면 평화의 시대가 도래할 것이라고 믿어왔다. 하지만 현재 우리는 과거보다 복합적이고 다양한 위기들에 둘러싸여 있다. 2020년부터 이어지고 있는 팬데믹 위기는 개인의 생명과 경제적 기반을 위협하고 있다. 또한, 각 국가들이 팬데믹의 확산을 막기 위한 조치를 취하는 과정에서 반(反)민주적인 정책을 시행함으로써 전 세계적으로 민주주의가 퇴보하고 있다는 우려 또한 제기되고 있다. 이 외에도 팬데믹 위기 이전부터 우리 곁에 존재했던 기후변화, 자원고갈, 환경파괴, 강대국 간 갈등, 국지적 군사 충돌, 사이버 공격 등 오늘날 다양한 위기들이 동시적으로 존재한다. 그리고 각종 위기들은 개별적으로가 아닌, 복합적으로 작용하여 한반도, 동북아, 나아가 전 세계 인류의 삶을 위협하고 있다.

이처럼 복합위기의 시대를 살아가고 있는 우리는 이를 극복하기 위한 방안을 보다 적극적으로 모색해야 한다. 이러한 맥락에서 제16회 제주포럼에서는 복합위기를 넘어서, 지속가능한 평화(Sustainable Peace)와 포용적 번영(Inclusive Prosperity)을 이루는 방안을 논의하고자 한다.

첫째, 지속가능한 평화를 달성한다는 것은 눈앞의 위기를 해결하는 것뿐만 아니라 평화를 달성한 후 그 평화를 계속해서 유지하고 재생산하는 것을 의미한다. 오늘날 복합위기는 다방면에서 인류의 생존을 위협하고 있기에 단기적이고 표면적인 접근을 통해서는 이를 완전히 극복하기 어렵다. 따라서 복합위기를 보다 근본적으로 해결하기 위해서는 각 위기의 근원을 찾아내고 이를 뿌리 뽑으려는 노력이 필요하다. 정치, 군사, 경제, 사회, 환경 등 다양한 분야에서 국가 간 사회 간 이해관계를 조율하고 다양한 논의를 발전시키는 과정은 많은 인내와 노력을 필요로 할 것이다. 하지만 우리는 어려운 일을 회피하고 쉬운 길만 가려고 해서는 안 된다. 지속가능한 평화를 구축하기 위해서는 갈등을 예방·근절하고, 상처를 회복하고 사회를 재건하고, 궁극적으로는 집단 간의 화합·공존·상생을 달성하는 과정이 반드시 필요하다. 그리고 이러한 과정을 통해 만들어진 지속가능한 평화는 개인·사회·국가의 회복탄력성을 강화하여 현재의 위기를 극복하고 미래의 도전에 대비하는 강력한 토대가 될 것이다. 평화의 지속이 공동의 목표라는 합의가 존재하는 사회에서는 개인의 이익이 아닌, 구성원 모두의 정신적·물질적 안녕을 최우선시할 것이기 때문이다.      

지속가능한 평화를 달성한다는 의미는 평화가 계속해서 유지될 수 있는 자연환경을 조성하는 것 또한 포함한다. 평화를 유지, 재생산하기 위해서는 개인, 사회, 국가 간의 관계를 우호적으로 유지하는 것도 중요하지만 이에 앞서 우리 인간이 이 지구에 안정적으로 살아갈 수 있는 여건이 마련되어야 한다. 예를 들어, 기후변화로 인해 인간의 삶이 계속해서 위협 받는다면 그로 인한 정신적, 물질적 피해로 인해 인간의 삶은 피폐해질 것이다. 이는 또한 개인, 사회, 국가 간의 갈등으로 이어질 것이고 결국 지구상에 평화는 지속될 수 없을 것이다. 따라서 지속가능한 평화를 달성하기 위해 우리는 기후변화, 자원고갈, 환경파괴와 같은 문제에 대한 대응방안을 찾고 지구를 건강하게 만들기 위한 노력도 기울여야 한다. 

둘째, 포용적 번영은 경제성장의 직접적 혜택에서 멀리 떨어져 있는 사회구성원과 함께 경제성장의 과실을 나누어야 함을 의미한다. 이를 위해서는 기회균등을 막는 불평등과 불공정한 관행이 시정되어야 한다. 또한, 진정한 번영을 이루기 위해서는 부의 증대뿐만 아니라 삶의 질, 환경, 교육수준, 건강 등 물질적으로 측정할 수 없는 가치들도 중시되어야 한다. 

지난 한 해 동안 팬데믹으로 인해 가장 큰 물질적, 그로 인한 정신적 피해를 입은 계층은 사회적 약자들이다. 또한 팬데믹은 개발도상국과 빈곤국에 큰 피해를 주었다. 따라서 포스트코로나 시대 물질적, 정신적 회복은 그동안 경제성장의 혜택으로부터 소외되었던 계층, 팬데믹으로 인해 타격을 입은 개인·사회·국가들을 포용하는 방식으로 이루어져야 한다. 또 다른 예로, 기후변화로 인해 가장 큰 피해를 입은 이들 또한 취약계층과 빈곤국들이지만 기후변화에 대한 대처방안을 모색하는 국제협약에는 이들의 목소리가 잘 반영되지 않는다. 따라서 앞으로의 기후변화에 대한 대응은 약자들을 희생·소외시키지 않는, 이들을 포용하는 방식으로 이루어져야 한다. 이들이 소외되는 회복과 번영은 복합위기 시대에 빈부격차와 사회 불안정이라는 또다른 위기의 씨앗이 뿌려지는 상황을 초래할 것이기 때문이다. 결국 포용이 없는 성장과 회복은 사회, 그리고 나아가 전 세계의 안정과 질서 구축을 저해할 것이며 이는 지속가능한 평화의 실현을 방해할 것이다. 

이와 같은 복합위기의 시대에 개인, 사회, 비정부기구, 지방정부, 국가, 국제기구 모두가 함께 협력함으로써 이 시대가 직면한 도전들에 대처해 나가야 할 것이다. 복합위기는 위협에 노출된 행위자만의 문제가 아니다. 오늘날의 다양한 위기는 국경을 가리지 않고 모두를 위협하기에 한 행위자가 직면한 위기는 곧 우리에게도 영향을 끼치게 된다. 이러한 복합위기는 행위자 간 경쟁과 갈등, 우선주의로는 극복할 수 없다. 타인·타국의 문제를 방관하는 것 또한 해결책이 될 수 없다.     

이처럼 그 어느 때보다도 우리는 다자협력의 중요성을 강조해야 하는 시대를 살고 있다. 그리고 우리가 추구해야 할 다자협력은 지속가능한 평화와 포용적 번영을 담고 있는 모습이어야 한다. 과거와 현재에 약자와 취약계층이었던 이들을 포용하는 번영을 추구하고 이들의 목소리에 귀기울임으로써 지속가능한 평화를 구축한다면 미래에는 보다 많은 이들을 포용할 수 있는 환경이 조성될 것이다. 즉, 포용의 정신으로 지속가능한 평화를 달성하고 지속가능한 평화는 포용적 번영의 끊임없는 재생산을 위한 기반이 되는 선순환 구조를 만들어야 한다.

복합위기에 맞서 지속가능한 평화와 포용적 번영을 이루기 위해 우리는 지금 당장 행동을 취해야 한다. 지금의 익숙함과 편안함에 빠져 단기 이익만을 추구한다면 우리는 훗날 더 어려운 길을 가게 될지도 모른다. 혹은 행동을 취할 기회 자체를 잃게 될지도 모른다.

이러한 취지에서 제16회 제주포럼은 복합위기에 대한 대응 방안으로서의 지속가능한 평화와 포용적 번영에 관해 전 세계가 주목할 수 있는 무대를 마련하고자 한다. 제주포럼은 매년 저명한 세계 지도자, 노벨 평화상 수상자, 각계 전문가 및 활동가들이 참가하여 제주, 한반도, 동아시아, 나아가 전 세계의 평화와 번영을 이루는 방안을 논의하는 담론의 장으로서의 역할을 수행하고 있다. 올해 제주포럼은 지속가능한 평화와 포용적 번영의 정의, 사례, 그리고 그 실천방안에 대한 전 세계 지성인들의 지식과 지혜를 소개하고 이를 널리 알리는 계기가 되기를 기대한다. 제16회 제주포럼은 2021년 6월 24일부터 26일까지 제주에서 개최될 예정이다. 


                                                                                       The Main Theme of the 16th Jeju Forum:

Sustainable Peace, Inclusive Prosperity

The main theme of the 16th Jeju Forum is “Sustainable Peace, Inclusive Prosperity.” This year’s Jeju Forum will be a platform to discuss various challenges and threats we face while also seeking joint responses for peace and prosperity for current and future generations.

This year’s Jeju Forum will be a venue for discourse covering various topics such as each country’s response to COVID-19; the global economic recovery; the beginning of the Biden Administration era; conflicts between major powers; climate change; the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the emergence of new technologies; and ways to eventually achieve world peace and prosperity.

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the end of the Cold War. During the Cold War, we believed that the era of peace would come if we reduced military and diplomatic conflicts between countries. However, we are now surrounded by more complex and diverse crises than ever before. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to threaten our survival, causing damage to our health and economy. Additionally, while governments try to prevent the spread of the disease by implementing anti-democratic policies, there are growing concerns that such measures will lead to the retreat of democracy in various countries. Moreover, crises that existed before the pandemic, such as climate change, resource depletion, environmental degradation, major power competition, local military clashes, and cyberattacks, still exist and are working in combination to threaten individuals’ lives on the Korean Peninsula, Northeast Asia, and around the world.

Because we live in such an era, we need to actively seek ways to overcome these challenges before it’s too late. In this context, the Jeju Forum presents two concepts necessary to address the multiple crises: Sustainable Peace and Inclusive Prosperity.

First, achieving sustainable peace means solving the crises we face and maintaining a state of peace while continuing that peace for tomorrow. These crises threaten humanity’s survival from multiple dimensions, making them difficult to overcome through short-term and superficial approaches. Thus, to solve the multiple crises more fundamentally, it is necessary to find their root causes in an effort to eradicate them. The process of coordinating the interests between countries and developing discussions in the political, military, economic, societal, and environmental fields will require great patience and effort. We should not avoid difficult tasks or choose the easy way. To build sustainable peace, it is essential to prevent and eradicate conflict, recover wounds, rebuild society, and ultimately achieve harmony and coexistence among groups. The sustainable peace created through such a process will strengthen the resilience of individuals, societies, and countries, thereby establishing a solid foundation for overcoming the current crisis and preparing for future challenges. After all, in a society where the continuation of peace is the shared goal, priority will be given to maintaining all members’ mental and material well-being, not individuals’ interests.   

Achieving sustainable peace also includes creating an environment in which we can maintain peace continuously. To preserve and sustain peace, it is essential to maintain friendly relations between individuals, societies, and countries. However, we must first establish conditions that allow humans to enjoy a stable life on this planet. For example, if climate change is allowed to go unchecked, human life will be devastated by the mental and material damage. Such results will also lead to local and international conflicts, eventually making world peace untenable. Therefore, to achieve sustainable peace, we must find countermeasures to climate change, resource depletion, and environmental degradation in an effort to protect the planet. 

Second, inclusive prosperity means that the benefits of economic growth must be shared with marginalized members of society. To this end, we must correct the inequality and unfair practices that prevent individuals from enjoying equal opportunities. In addition, we must emphasize values that cannot be measured materially, such as quality of life, environment, education level, and health, to not only increase wealth but also achieve true prosperity.

People from low socioeconomic backgrounds and developing countries are the ones who have suffered the most significant physical and psychological damage from the pandemic over the past year. Therefore, we must embrace those who have been marginalized from the benefits of economic growth if we want to achieve a material and mental recovery in the post-COVID-19 era. The recovery should also focus on individuals, societies, and countries hit hard by the pandemic.

Vulnerable populations and low-income countries are also the ones most affected by climate change. However, their voices are not reflected in international agreements that seek to combat climate change. Therefore, responding to the climate crisis should be done in a way that considers the needs of the vulnerable instead of sacrificing or alienating them. Recovery and prosperity that alienates the weak will only lead to situations in which income inequality and social instability increase, causing yet more crises. After all, growth and recovery without inclusion will hinder stability and order around the world, impeding us from realizing sustainable peace. 

In this era of multiple crises, individuals, societies, nongovernmental organizations, local governments, national governments, and international organizations must all work together to overcome our current challenges. These crises are not only a problem for actors exposed to threats but also threaten everyone, regardless of borders. Crises faced by one actor will soon affect others as well. We cannot overcome these challenges through competition, conflict, and “my country first” attitudes; turning a blind eye to others’ problems is not a solution.

Instead, we must emphasize the importance of multilateral cooperation more than ever. The form of multilateral cooperation we must pursue should embody sustainable peace and inclusive prosperity. If we pursue prosperity that embraces the weak and vulnerable and builds sustainable peace by listening to their voices, we will be able to create an environment that embraces more people in the future. In other words, by achieving sustainable peace that embodies inclusion, we can create a virtuous cycle that endlessly reproduces inclusive prosperity.

To do this, we must act now. If we seek short-term interests out of complacency, the path may be even more difficult in the future, or we may even lose the opportunity to take action altogether.

The 16th Jeju Forum aims to set a stage where the world can focus on sustainable peace and inclusive prosperity as a countermeasure to the current crises. The Jeju Forum serves as a venue for discussions about ways to achieve peace and prosperity in Jeju, the Korean Peninsula, East Asia, and around the world. Renowned world leaders, Nobel Peace Prize winners, experts, and activists participate in the Forum every year. This year’s Jeju Forum is expected to serve as an opportunity for intellectuals to share their knowledge and experience regarding the definitions, examples of, and practices to ensure sustainable peace and inclusive prosperity. The 16th Jeju Forum is scheduled to be held in Jeju from June 24 to June 26, 2021.