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제13회 제주포럼 대학(원)생 무료참가 안내( Jeju Forum Free Admission for College(Graduate) Students 2018-06-01
작성자  |  제주포럼

      < 제13회 제주포럼 대학(원)생 무료 참가 안내>

            - 신청자격: 전국대학(원)생 (휴학생, 외국 국적소지자도 가능)
          - 신청방법: 제주포럼 홈페이지(www.jejuforum.or.kr) “ 등록 (http://jejuforum.registrations.kr/Index.aspx) ”에서 직접 온라인 참
               가등록 후 ‘참가신청서’ 및 ‘학생증’ 이메일(jejuforum@jpi.or.kr) 송부
          - 신청기간: 2018.6.4(월)~6.15(금) 
          - 역할: 행사기간 중 1일 3개 세션 이상 참관 후기 작성 후 이메일(jejuforum@jpi.or.kr) 제출
- 특전: 전 세션 참가비 면제 / 프로그램북, 결과자료집(사후) 및 등록가방 제공


< Jeju Forum Free Admission for College(Graduate) Students>  
The 13th Jeju Forum for Peace and Prosperity, which will be held from June 26 to 28, 2018 at the International Convention Center Jeju with the theme “Reengineering Peace for Asia,” invites college (graduate) students. The Jeju Forum started as a regional multilateral dialogue for promoting peace and common prosperity in East Asia in 2001 and established itself as one of the major international forums with more than five thousand participants from over seventy countries. At this year’s Jeju Forum, world leaders, entrepreneurs, and global opinion leaders will focus on the agenda “Reengineering Peace for Asia” and provide ways that peace can be preserved for the region. The Jeju Forum 2018 will provide a useful opportunity for world leaders and experts to suggest and share views on reengineering peace for Asia. College (graduate) students are greatly welcomed for this precious event held in beautiful island, Jeju, to discuss agendas of peace, prosperity, sustainability, diversity, and global Jeju.
1) Qualification :   College (Graduate) students
2) Registration :  
Visit ‘Registration http://jejuforum.registrations.kr/intro_eng.aspx ’ in the Jeju Forum website (http://jejuforum.or.kr) and fill out the online form. Submit ‘Application Form’ & a copy of ‘student card’ via e-mail. (jejuforum@jpi.or.kr, indicate ‘Jeju Forum College  (Graduate) Student Registration -ㅇㅇㅇ(name)’ on the title)
3) Registration Period :  June 4(Mon.) ~ 15(Fri), 2018
4) Role :  
Participate at least three sessions per day and  submit short reviews by email (jejuforum@jpi.or.kr)
5) Benefits : - Exemption from registration fees for all sessions (* Flights, accommodations, or meals not be provided) 
                    -  Program book, Final report and Registration bag
6) Inquiry:  Jeju Forum Secretariat (Tel: 82-64-735-6532, jsko@jpi.or.kr)
7) Website:   www.jejuforum.or.kr



포스터 저장.png

File : 제주포럼 2018-대학생 무료참가 안내문_free admisison information(kor_eng).pdf
File : 참가신청서_대학생 무료참관(제주포럼2018).hwp
File : application form_free admission for college students (jeju forum 2018).docx