BUSH Richard | |
Center for East Asia Policy Studies, Brookings Institution
브루킹스연구소 동아시아정책연구센터 Director 소장
Richard Bush is a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and co-director of its Center for East Asian Policy Studies. He has directed the Center since he arrived at Brookings sixteen years ago. While at Brookings, he has published four books on Taiwan and its relations with China and the United States, plus a book on China-Japan security relations and a volume on political development in Hong Kong.
Prior to joining Brookings, Richard Bush served for nineteen years in the U.S. Government – twelve years on the staff of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives, two years as National Intelligence Officer for East Asia and Member of the National Intelligence Council, and five years as Chairman of the American Institute in Taiwan, the mechanism through which the United States conducts relations with Taiwan in the absence of diplomatic relations. He holds a Ph.D. in political science from Columbia University. |