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KIM Eun-Shil
Ehwa Womans University
Professor at the Department of Women's Studies 여성학과 교수
Eun-Shil Kim is a Professor of the Department of Women's Studies, Director of the Asian Center for Women’s Studies, and Editor-in-Chief of the Asian Journal of Women’s Studies (AJWS) at Ewha Womans University. She is currently serving as President of the Asian Association of Women's Studies (AAWS). Through the years, she has been involved in developing the intellectual community of feminist scholars in Asia since 1995 and has done research in the field of women’s bodies, sexuality, modernity, nationalism, globalization, migration, feminist knowledge production and postdevelopment issues. She worked as the Secretary General for the 2005 Interdisciplinary Congress on Women. She published many articles (e.g. “The Discourse of Nationalism and Women,” “The Cultural Logic of the Korean Modernization Project and its Gender Politics,” “The Formation of Public Sphere and Gender Politics during the Nation-Building Period of the First Republic of South Korea in the 1950s,” "The Politics of Institutionalizing Feminist Knowledge: Discussing 'Asian Women's Studies in South Korea," ”The Politics of the Jeju 4.3 Holeomeong Bodies: “Speaking” and Emotion as Embodied Language", etc.) and books (e.g. Women’s Bodies/the Cultural Politics of Bodies, co-authored books such as Locational Feminisms in the Age of Globalization, Noh Muhyun Government’s Experiments: Unfinished Reform, etc).

김은실 이화여자대학교 여성학과 교수는 동대학교 아시아여성학센터 소장 및 아시아 여성학(AJWS) 연구원장 이다. 현재 아시아여성학협회(AAWS)의 회장을 역임하고 있으며 1995년부터 수년동안 아시아의 페미니스트 학자들의 지적 공동체를 조사하며 여성의 신체, 섹슈얼리티, 근대성, 민족주의, 세계화, 이주, 페미니스트 지식 및 탈개발 분야의 연구를 수행해 왔다. 2005년에는 세계여성학대회의 사무총장을 맡았다. 그녀는 The Discourse of Nationalism and Women,” “The Cultural Logic of the Korean Modernization Project and its Gender Politics,” “The Formation of Public Sphere and Gender Politics during the Nation-Building Period of the First Republic of South Korea in the 1950s,” "The Politics of Institutionalizing Feminist Knowledge: Discussing 'Asian Women's Studies in South Korea," ”The Politics of the Jeju 4.3 Holeomeong Bodies: “Speaking” and Emotion as Embodied Language" 등 많은 논문과 Women’s Bodies/the Cultural Politics of Bodies, Locational Feminisms in the Age of Globalization, Noh Muhyun Government’s Experiments: Unfinished Reform 과 같은 책들을 저술하였다.