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KO Hee-Bum

Former Director of the Hankyoreh 전 한겨레신문 사장
Hee-Bum Koh, the former director of the Hankyoreh Newspaper, joined the press as a CBS journalist in 1975 and participated in the foundation of the Hankyoreh. After serving as the head at the political, social, editorial and advertising departments of the company as well as a commissioner, he became the representative director in 2003. In addition, he succeeded in attracting the 2013 World Energy Congress to South Korea as the Secretary General of the Korea Energy Foundation.
He led the formation of the Jeju 4.3 Research Institute and the People’s Committee for Promoting the Recovery of Honour of Jeju 4.3 where he acted as the Chairman and the Co-President.

고희범 전한겨레신문사장은 1975년 CBS기자로 언론계에 입문하여 한겨레신문사 창간 작업에 참여한 뒤 정치부장, 사회부장, 편집부국장, 광고국장, 논설위원 등을 거쳐 2003년에는 대표이사를 역임했다. 또한 한국에너지재단 사무총장으로 ‘2013년 세계에너지총회’ 한국 유치에 성공했다.
‘제주4.3연구소’ 설립과 ‘제주 4.3 진상규명 명예회복 추진 범국민위원회’ 결성에 앞장섰다. ‘4.3 연구소’ 이사장, ‘4.3 범국민위’ 공동대표를 역임했다.