PARK Kyung-Ae | |
University of British Columbia
캐나다 브리티시컬럼비아대학교 Professor 교수
Professor Kyung-Ae Park holds the Korea Foundation Chair at the School of Public Policy and Global Affairs of the University of British Columbia. She serves as the Director of the Canada-DPRK Knowledge Partnership Program (KPP), a program she established in 2010, and also as the Co-Director of the Center for Korean Research. The KPP has been hosting six North Korean professors each year since 2011 for six-month periods of study at UBC, as part of a long-term knowledge sharing and academic exchange and thus represents an unprecedented, ground-breaking program in North America. She is a former president of the Association of Korean Political Studies in North America. She is the author, coauthor, and editor of many scholarly publications on issues ranging from North and South Korean politics and foreign relations to gender and development. Notable publications include Non-Traditional Security Issues in North Korea; North Korea in Transition: Politics, Economics, and Society; New Challenges of North Korean Foreign Policy; Korean Security Dynamics in Transition, and China and North Korea: Politics of Integration and Modernization. She has also authored articles in a number of journals, including Comparative Politics, Journal of Asian Studies, Pacific Affairs, Asian Survey, and Pacific Review. Since the mid-1990s, she has made many trips to Pyongyang and hosted North Korean delegation visits to Canada, playing a key role in promoting track II exchanges and diplomacy between the two countries.
박경애 교수는 브리티시 컬럼비아 대학교 (University of British Columbia)의 공공 정책 및 국제학 대학의 한국학 연구소 소장이다. 박 교수는 2010년에 설립한 ‘캐나다-북한 지식교류 협력 프로그램(Canada-DPRK Knowledge Partnership Program•KPP)’의 이사이자 한국 연구 센터의 공동 책임자이다. 박 교수는 북미 지역의 한국 정치 학회 (Korea Political Studies Association) 회장을 역임했다. 또한 남한의 정치와 대외 관계에서 젠더 및 발전에 이르기는 다양한 이슈에 관해 저술하며 편집자로 활동하기도 했다. 출간물로는 “Non-Traditional Security Issues in North Korea”; “North Korea in Transition: Politics, Economics, and Society”; “New Challenges of North Korean Foreign Policy”; “Korean Security Dynamics in Transition”, and “China and North Korea: Politics of Integration and Modernization” 이 있다. 북한 문제 전문가인 박 교수는 1995년 이후 캐나다 대표단의 일원으로 북한을 여러 차례 방문하며 캐나다- 북한 간 대사급 외교 관계를 수립하는데 핵심적인 역할을 하였다. |