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CHOI Bong-kyu
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the ROK
Deputy Director-General of Northeast Asian Affairs Bureau 동북아국 심의관
Deputy Director-General Choi Bong-kyu was born in Busan, Korea, on February 18, 1968. Since DDG Choi entered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1994, he has worked as a diplomat for the past 24 years. As a diplomat, DDG Choi is an expert in Korea-Japan relations. Upon completion of his diplomatic training at Keio University in Japan, he worked at the Korean Embassy in Japan as first secretary in 2002, and was later dispatched to the same Embassy as counselor in 2009. DDG Choi served as the director of Northeast Asian Division 1 in 2012, followed by his work as consul general at the Korean Embassy in China commencing in 2013. Currently, he is in charge of trilateral cooperation as the deputy director-general of the Northeast Asian Affairs Bureau. The three countries account for almost one fifth of the entire GDP across the world, and are therefore, a very important region in terms of economy. DDG Choi Bong-kyu continues to exert his utmost efforts to strengthen cooperation in Northeast Asia.

최봉규 심의관은 1968년 2월 18일 부산 출생으로 1994년 외교부에 입부하여, 근 24년간 근무했다. 최봉규 심의관은 외교관으로서 한일관계 전문가이다. 일본 게이오 대에서 연수를 하였으며 2002년에는 주일 한국 대사관에서 1등 서기관으로 근무했다. 2009년에는 주일 한국 대사관 참사관, 2012년에는 동북아1과장을 역임했으며, 2013년부터 주중 한국 대사관에서 총영사직을 역임한 바 있다. 그리고 현재 동북아국 심의관으로서 한일중 3국 협력을 담당하고 있다. 한일중 3국은 인구, 경제 면에서 지구의 5분의 1을 차지하는 만큼 매우 중요한 지역에 해당한다. 최봉규 심의관은 동북아지역 협력 심화를 위해 노력하고 있다.