UGUY Leroy Samy | |
Ministry of Village, Disadvantage Areas Development and Transmigration, Indonesi
인도네시아 저개발지역이주부 Head of Research and Development Center 연구개발센터장
Samy Uguy was a career government employee of Indonesia. His previous works include as a planner on housing and urban development for National Development Planning Agency, as a Deputy Assistant for Economic Affairs at the Ministry of Disadvantage Areas Development, and as a Secretary of the Directorate General for Rural Areas Development, in Indonesia, and lecturer.
His current interest includes strategic issues on inter-governmental relations, comparative public institutions, transmigration and local economic development, and empowering local community and government through the adoption of applied technology. He studied planning at Institute of Technology Bandung, then he went to Carleton University for his Master degree in Development Studies, he holds a Ph.D in Public Policy and Administration from Virginia Commonwealth University. 사미 우기는 인도네시아 국가개발계획기구와 저개발지역이주부에서 공무원으로 근무하였으며 강사로도 활동하였다. 현재 그는 정부간 관계, 행정기관비교, 이주와 지역경제개발, 기술을 활용한 지역공동체와 지방정부 역량강화에 관심을 두고 있다. 그는 과학 기술 연구소 Bandung에서 도시계획을 공부했고, 그 후 Carleton대학에서 개발학 석사 학위를 받았고 버지니아 연방 대학에서 공공 정책 및 행정학 박사 학위를 취득했다. |