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KIM Byeong-Kuk
Korea Research Institute for Local Government & Community Affairs
Head Director 원장
Byeong-Kuk KIM was refered to by KRILA(Korea Research Institute for Local Autonomy) & KALGS(Korean Association for Local Government Studies) as " a regionalist who is out to direct the inter-government relation. The Local autonomy system, Decentralization system, Local public service training, Local organization & personnel administration, Local regeneration recognized as one of the Korea's distinguished public administrators, Head Director Kim offers a practical alternative on nation & local issues, including decentralization, local systemic reform, civil servant capacity enhancement.
Specially, Byeong-Kuk KIM is conducting a research for creating jobs and responding a population extinction in local governments as the Korean government's interest. It is also interested in the spread of a special local government system such as Jeju special self-government province and the establishment of an international Institute for Human Resource Development.
Recently Head Director Kim is making all-out efforts to lay the foundation for grass-roots democracy through the " Local Government & Community Affairs Movement " to establish the local autonomy system in Korea.

한국생활자치연구원 김병국은 지방분권, 지방행정체제 개편, 지방공무원 교육훈련, 인소소멸과 지방재생 등에 관심을 갖고 연구활동을 하고 있다. 그 동안 지방자치발전위원회, 한국지방자치학회, 감사원, 행정자치부 등에서 정책자문활동을 통해 국가 및 지방정책의 올바른 수립에 기여한 바 있다. 저서로는 지방자치론, 주민자치조직론, 지방정부 조직·인사 혁신론, 한일 지방자치 비교 등이 있다.