KWON Ki-Wook | |
Konkuk University
건국대학교 Associate Professor 부교수
Ki-Wook KWON is an associate professor of Human Resources Management and Organizational Behavior in the School of Business at Konkuk University in Seoul, South Korea. He received his Ph.D. in Human Resources and Industrial Relations from the University of Illinois. Before joining Konkuk University, he taught in the University of Illinois as a visiting assistant professor and worked at the Samsung Economic Research Institute as a researcher. He is currently the chair of the academic committee of the Korean Association of Industrial Business Administration and an executive director of five academic associations including Korean Academy of Management. He is also a member of Academy of Management and an editorial board member of five journals including Korean Journal of Management and Korean Journal of Human Resource Development. His research publications have appeared in top-tier international journals such as Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, and Industrial Relations. His excellent research has been recognized by Academy of Management, National Research Foundation of Korea, Korea Productivity Association, and Konkuk University. He is a former or current member of the public service evaluation board of Ministry of Strategy and Finance, Ministry of Education, and Ministry of SMEs and Startups.
권기욱 교수는 건국대학교 경영대학 인사조직분야 부교수로 재직 중이며 미국 일리노이주립대학교에서 인사관리/노사관계 박사학위를 취득하였다. 건국대학교로 부임하기 전 미국 일리노이대학교에서 방문조교수로 재직하였으며 삼성경제연구소에서 연구원으로 근무하였다. 현재 한국산업경영학회 학술위원장이며 한국인사조직학회, 한국인사관리학회, 한국인적자원개발학회를 포함한 5개 학회의 상임이사로 활동 중이다. 또한, 권기욱 교수는 전미 경영학회 회원이며 인사조직연구, 인적자원개발연구를 포함한 5개 논문집의 편집위원이다. 권기욱 교수의 연구는 세계적으로 저명한 Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, Industrial Relations에 발표되었으며, 권기욱 교수의 연구의 우수성은 전미 경영학회, 한국연구재단, 한국생산성학회, 건국건국대학교에 의해 인정(수상)되고 있다. 과거 기획재정부 경영평가위원이었고 현재 교육부와 중소벤처기업부 공공기관 경영평가위원으로 활동 중이다. |