CHUNG Keeyong | |
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Global Green Growth Institute
글로벌녹색성장연구소 Director of Governance 거버넌스 국장
Mr. Keeyong Chung is the Director of Governance of the Global Green Growth Institute(GGGI), and is currently based in the headquarters in Seoul, Korea. At his current role, he oversees (i) the Secretariat’s effective communication with and operation of the governance organs (Assembly, Council, Management and Program Sub-Committee), (ii) the support toward the management of the Office of the President of the Assembly / Chair of the Council, and (iii) the engagement in the governmental relations with the Host Country and select outreach activities toward key potential stakeholders (Governments of the United States America and Japan).
Prior to joining GGGI, Mr. Chung was (and still is) a career diplomat having served in the Korean Foreign Ministry (MOFA) since 1993. He was involved and led efforts by the Korean Government on a wide range of issues including the ROK-US alliance, international public law (including maritime delimitation and state responsibility), climate change, personnel laws & regulations, Korea-Japan bilateral issues. As overseas assignments, he served as a political officer in Tokyo, Japan; the Deputy Head of Mission in Sofia, Bulgaria; and a minister-counselor in Washington D.C., the United States of America. With a trans-disciplinary background, Mr. Chung is an attorney at law and was the Director of International Legal Affairs, serving as the international legal adviser to the MOFA leadership. Keeyong holds a Bachelor of Law(LL.B.) degree from Seoul National University College of Law in Seoul, Korea and a Juris Doctor(JD) degree from University of Pennsylvania Law School in Philadelphia, the United States of America. He is a member of the New York state bar. 정기용 국장은 외교부에서 글로벌녹색성장기구에 파견되어 현재 동 기구의 거버넌스 국장으로 재직중이다. 1993년 외교부 입부 이래 주일본대사관 1등서기관, 주불가리아 참사관(공관차석), 국제법규과장, 주미국대사관 공사참사관 등을 역임하였다. 정기용 국장은 서울법대 공법학과를 졸업하였으며, 미국 펜실바니아 대학 로스쿨 (University of Pennsylvania Law School)에서 법학박사(JD) 학위를 받았다. |