KIM Jina | |
Korea Institute for Defense Analyses
한국국방연구원 Research Fellow 연구위원
Dr. Jina Kim is a Research Fellow at the Korea Institute for Defense Analyses, specializing in US-North Korea relations, nuclear nonproliferation, and Northeast Asian security. She holds a PhD in International Relations from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University and teaches “Introduction to International Relations” and “Humanitarian Intervention: Theory and Practice” at Yonsei Graduate School of International Studies. She is a member of the Advisory Committee for the Ministry of National Unification and a member of the National Policy Review Board for the Prime Minister’s Office. She is also serving on the Blue House’s Public Information Committee. She authored The North Korean Nuclear Weapons Crisis (Palgrave McMillan, 2014) and co-authored North Korea and Asia’s Evolving Nuclear Landscape (NBR, 2017), Maritime Security and Governance (Chug Hsing National University, 2014), The North Korea Crisis and Regional Responses (East-West Center, 2014), and The North Korean Military Secret Report (Planet Media, 2013). Her recent publication in academic journals includes “Assessing Export Controls of Strategic Items to North Korea” (2017), “North Korea’s Strategic Alliance towards Becoming a Nuclear Weapons State” (2017), “Nuclear Brinkmanship on the Korean Peninsula and the Effects of Cognitive Variables in Crisis Decision Making” (2016) and others.
김진아 박사는 한국국방연구원에서 연구위원으로 근무하고 있으며, 북미관계, 핵비확산, 동북아 안보를 연구하고 있다. Tufts대 Fletcher School에서 국제학 박사학위를 받았으며, 연세대학교 국제대학원에서 국제관계이론과 인도주의개입 강의를 하고 있다. 그 외 통일부 정책자문위원, 청와대 정보공개위원회 심의위원, 한미연합사 정책자문위원을 맡고 있으며, 국무조정실 국정과제 평가위원을 역임했다. 주요저서로는 『The North Korean Nuclear Weapons Crisis』가 있으며, 그 외 『North Korea and Asia’s Evolving Nuclear Landscape』, 『Maritime Security and Governance』, 『The North Korea Crisis and Regional Responses』 등을 공저했고, 최근 발표한 논문으로는 “Assessing Export Controls of Strategic Items to North Korea,” “North Korea’s Strategic Alliance towards Becoming a Nuclear Weapons State” 등이 있다. |