SHIN Jung-Seung | |
Dongseo University
동서대학교 중국연구센터 Director of Center for Chinese Studies 소장
Amb. Shin is a director of Center for Chinese Studies, Dongseo University. He was former Ambassador to People's Republic of China, also Director of the Center for Chinese Studies, IFANS(Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security), KNDA(Korea National Diplomatic Academy). His foreign services, before his retirement in 2010, include Ambassador to New Zealand (2004-2006), Counselor to Japan (1994-1997), and First Secretary to USA (1987-1990). He passed High Diplomatic Service Examination in 1975. He took the post of Asian affairs bureau at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade such as Director-General (2002-2003), and Deputy Director-General (1997-1999), Director for Chinese Affairs during which he participated in the negotiation to normalize the relations between Korea and China (1990-1992) and received the 1992 Order of Service Merit Green Stripes by the Korean government. He also worked as the spokesperson of the Korean Foreign Ministry (2001-2002) and Senior Foreign Affairs Adviser to the Governor of Gyunggi Province (2007-2008).
신정승 대사는 직업외교관 출신의 중국전문가로, 현재 동서대학교 중국연구센터 소장으로 재직 중이다. 서울대학교 외교학과에서 학사학위를 받았으며, 신 소장은 외교부 아시아•태평양국 국장, 주뉴질랜드 대사, 경기도 국제관계자문대사를 거쳐 2008년 주중대사를 역임했고, 이후 국립외교원 외교안보연구소 중국연구센터 소장으로 근무한 바 있다. |