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LEE Sun Jin
Sogang University
Professor 교수, 전 인도네시아 대사
Professor LEE, Sun-Jin was a career diplomat and his last position was Ambassador to Indonesia, 2005-2008. Before that was Deputy Foreign Minister for the Policy Planning and International Organizations, MOFA. He had been posted to the Korean diplomatic missions in the USA, China (Beijing, Shanghai & Hong Kong), and Japan. He is currently affiliated as a counsel with the Center for ASEAN-Indian Studies, National Diplomatic Academy, MOFA while being a research professor for the Institute for East Asia Studies (SIEAS), Sogang University in Seoul. He is lecturing at the Graduate School of International Studies, Sogang University since 2009 and also at Seoul National University since 2014. He has devoted himself to researches and writings on the topics of the regional cooperation in East Asia, In particular the regional integration in Southeast Asia.

현재 서강대학교 동아연구소 특임 교수이자, 외교부 국립외교원 아세안. 인도 연구센타 고문이다. 외교관 출신으로 마지막 직책은 주 인도네시아 대사 (2005-2008)이며, 본부에서는 외교부 외교정책실장을 지냈다. 현재 서강대학교 국제대학원과, 서울대학교 정치외교학부에서 강의하고 있다. 관심 연구 분야는 동아시아 지역협력, 특히 동남아시아 지역통합이다.