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CHOI Dong Ju
Sookmyung Women's University
숙명여자대학교 국제대학원 및 글로벌서비스학부
Dean/Professor 교수
Choi Dong Ju has been with Sookmyung for the last 18 years, teaching international relations, political economy and development model of less developed countries. His education includes MA in international affairs from the American University and PhD in political economy from University of London. Before he joined Sookmyung, he had worked for POSCO (Pohang Steel Company) as senior researcher and for Seoul National University as visiting professor. In academic field, he was the Vice President of Korean Association of African Studies, and a Board Member of Korean Association of Multicultural Studies. He was also the Editor of International Journal, APWIN(Asia-Pacific Women's Information Network) during his mission as Executive Director of Asia-Pacific Women's Information Network Center. He has taken part in government consultation in many policy areas as member of policy advisory committees in Korea. The ministries include foreign affairs, education, defense acquisition and the Presidential Committee for Nation Branding. Since 2016, he has been leading the Institute of Global Governance, government-funding research institute for globalization of Korean education.