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SONG Seok-eon
Jeju National University
President 총장
PRESIDENT SONG SEOK-EON is the 10th President of Jeju National University (JNU) and took office on February 2018. He is an expert in commercial law, an educator and a university administrator. He studied law at Chung-Ang University and received his LL.B, LL.M and LL.D from the same university. He started his career as a professor of law at the Graduate School of Law of Jeju National University in 1995 and went on to becoming its director in 2011. He also served as the chairman of the JNU council from 2012 to 2014. His other professional endeavors included being the president of the professor’s association, secretary-general for the Korea Law Professors Association Inc., member of the Personnel Committee of the Jeju Special Self-governing Province, member of the Law Evaluation Committee of the Korean Bar Association and member of the Public Interest Committee responsible for the Amendments on Discrimination under the National Labor Relations Commission. His current positions other than his presidency include being the chairman of the board of the JNU Hospital, JNU Fund and the Korea Business Law Association (KBLA).

송석언(宋錫彦·61) 제주대학교 총장은 상법 분야 전문가이자, 교육자이며, 대학 행정가이다. 2018년 2월 제주대학교 제10대 총장으로 취임했다. 송 총장은 중앙대학교에서 법학을 전공하였으며, 동 대학교에서 학사, 석사, 박사학위를 받았다. 제주대학교 법학전문대학원 교수, 법학전문대학원장, 평의회 의장, 교수회 회장, 한국법학교수회 사무처장, 제주특별자치도 인사위원회 위원, 대한변협 법학전문대학원평가위원회 위원, 중앙노동위원회 차별시정담당 공익위원 등을 역임했다. 현재 제주대학교병원 이사회 이사장, (재)제주대학교 발전기금 이사장, 한국기업법학회 이사 등을 맡고 있다.