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CHUNG Soo Hyun
Korea Institute of Energy Research
Special Research Fellow 전문연구위원
Soo Hyun Chung has been proceeding the research and development for the environmental friendly resource recycling technologies for more 30 years. Especially his achievement on the pyrolysis technology for the waste tire treatment was very worthy for the commercialization process and the export of the pyrolysis plant. From 2006 to now, he has taken the research director and the general director in Korea Society of Waste Management and accomplished the excellent academic achievements. He was appointed the expert advisor of national science & technology of Korea Presidential House and contributed to the policy set up for the science and technology development.
In 2001, he was appointed the project manager of National Research Lab for 5 years supported by Ministry of Science and Technology and contributed to the industrialization by the source technology development on the waste pyrolysis.

정수현은 30여년동안 한국에너지기술연구원에서 근무하면서 폐기물의 환경친화적인 자원순환 기술개발에 전념하였으며 특히 폐타이어 열분해 관련기술개발을 통하여 상업화 기술로 발전시켜 해외 플랜트 수출에 기여하였으며 2006년부터 현재까지 한국폐기물자원순환학회의 연구위원장 및 이사로서 관련분야에 괄목할만한 학문적인 성과를 이룬 바 있다. 2010년 2월부터 2년간 대통령직속 국가과학기술위원회 국가주도기술분야 전문위원으로 활동하면서 국가의 과학기술 정책수립에 크게 기여한 바 있으며 2001년 과학기술부로부터 5년간 폐기물분야 국가지정연구실 사업책임자로 임명되어 폐기물열분해 원천기술을 개발하여 산업화에 크게 기여하였다.