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KIM Bok-Hee
Korea International Cooperation Agency Academy
한국국제협력단 아카데미
Director General 원장
Ms. Bok-Hee KIM is Director General of Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) Academy. She started her career as a researcher under the ministry of labor, then worked in the Korean Overseas Development Corporation, which is former KOICA. She joined KOICA in 1991 and has held several positions including planning, budgeting, and research among others. While working at KOICA She has worked as a Resident Representative at KOICA’s Overseas offices in Bangladesh, and Nepal, and as a Deputy Resident Representative in Viet Nam. She studied Education, and Master’s degree in Politics.

김복희 원장은 현재 한국국제협력단 아카데미 원장으로, 1991년 KOICA 입사 후 홍보실장(2015-2016), 방글라데시사무소장(2012-2015), 정책연구실장∙역량개발부장(2009-2012), 네팔사무소장(2006-2009), 베트남사무소부소장(2002-2004) 등을 역임했다. 김복희 원장은 이화여대 교육학과를 졸업하였으며, 연세대 행정대학원에서 정치학 석사를 받고 한경대 미래융합기술대학원 박사과정을 수료하였다.