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KIM Yong June
Sungkyunkwan University
Dean of Graduate School of China 중국대학원장
Kim YongJune is currently Dean of Graduate School of China at Sungkyunkwan University. He is a Present-Elect of Korean Academic Society of Business Administration. He has served as President of Korean Marketing Association(2015-) and President of Korean Academy of International Business(2014). He has also worked as Director of China Research Institute(1998-) and also Professor of Business School, Sungkyunkwan University(1991-). He was Visiting Professor of Chinese University of Hong Kong(2005-), Tsinghua University(1996-), and Shanghai-Jiaotong University, China(1990). He was a CEO of Samsung Open Tide China, Beijing, China(2000-).
For public service, he serves as Vice-President of Korean Management Development Institute(2016- ), board member of Korean Institute of Christian Management, He currently serves as board member of Handok Pharmaceuticals Incorporate and Hyundai Marine Insurance Inc. He worked as a board of directors of LG fashion, Nongshim Food and Eagon Living. He conducted consulting professorship for diverse company, such as Samsung Electronics Company, Hyundai Kia Motor, SK Telecom, Maeil Diary, Amorepacific and Samsung Economics Research Institute(SERI).
He has a Ph.D in marketing from Northwestern University(1989), M.B.A from the University of Texas at Austin(1984), and bachelor’s degree from Seoul National University(1982).

김용준(金鏞準)박사는 성균관대학교 중국대학원 원장, 경영대학 교수이며 성균관대학교 현대중국연구소 소장이며 한국경영학회 차기 회장이다. 서울대학교(경영학사)와 미국 텍사스대학교(경영학 석사), 노스웨스턴대학교(마케팅 박사)에서 공부하였다. 이후 캐나다브리티시콜롬비아대학 조교수, 중국 상해 교통대학교 초빙교수, 중국 북경 청화대학교 객좌교수와 홍콩 중문대학교 초빙교수를 역임하였다. 삼성 오픈타이드차이나의 초대사장을 하였으며, 현재 한독약품과 현대해상 사외이사로 활동하고 있다. 이건환경과, (주)농심, LG 패션 사외이사로 활동하였다. 삼성전자, 현대•기아자동차, SKT, 아모레퍼시픽, 두산, 매일유업 자문교수로 산학협력을 하였다. 학회활동으로는 한국국제경영학회 회장, 한국마케팅학회 회장, 한국광고학회 부회장을 역임하였다.