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World Wide Fund For Nature Mongolia
세계자연보호기금 몽골지부
Representative 대표
Batbold Dorjgurkhem is a Country Representative of WWF Mongolia since September 2015 and directs many projects including which that involves sustainable development aspects, biodiversity conservation, forest resources and freshwater protection. He received Bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Meteorology from the Institute of Hydro-Meteorology of Odessa, USSR, in 1985, and a Master’s Degree in Molecular Biology and Applied Sciences, University of Adelaide, Australia in 1999.
In 1985, he joined the Hydro-Meteorological Agency, Mongolia as an Agricultural Officer, and then the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Mongolia as an EIA expert. Since 1992, he became the director of the Department of International Cooperation, MoE.
Mr. Batbold has joined UNDP Mongolia to become a leader for its GEF Project on Biodiversity Conservation. Later he joined WWF Mongolia as a Conservation Director in 2001 and again in 2006 with an interval of 2.5 years in between for a postgraduate study in Japan on Pastoral Grassland Management.
Mr. Batbold Dorjgurkhem once again joined the Ministry of Environment of Mongolia in 2009 as the Director for International Cooperation Department where he was in charge of multi-functional policy tasks such as bi- and multi-lateral policy, MEAs - particularly engaging with biodiversity related conventions.