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AHN Choong-Yong
Korea Commission for Corporate Partnership
대한민국 동반성장위원회
Chairman 위원장
Dr. Ahn is currently Chairman, Korea Commission for Corporate Partnership (KCCP) and responsible for inducing voluntary collaborations and nurturing synergy between Korea’s big businesses, and small and medium enterprises. Before taking his current post, he served as Foreign Investment Ombudsman (2006-2014) who is the troubleshooter responsible for resolving grievances raised by foreign investor at the Korea Trade and Investment Promotion Agency in Korea. He is former Chairman of the Presidential Regulatory Reform Committee (2010-2012). He holds also Distinguished Professorship at Graduate School of International Studies, Chung-Ang University. While on sabbatical from Chung-Ang University, he also served several posts such as the President of the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (2002-2005); Chair of the APEC Economic Committee; Chair of Board, Choheung Bank; consultant to the World Bank; UNIDO Chief Technical Advisor to the Economic Planning Unit of Malaysia to design Malaysia's industrial master plan; and served as President of several academic societies in Korea including the Korea International Economics Association, Korean Association of Trade and Industry Studies, and the Korea Econometric Society. Dr. Ahn’s honors include the Economist of the Year Award from the Maeil Business Daily Newspaper in Korea, the Okita Policy Research Award by the National Institute for Research Advancement in Japan for his publication on “Modern East Asian Economy”, and Free Economy Publication Award by the Federation of Korean Industries.
Since receiving his Ph.D. from Ohio State University, Dr. Ahn has published many articles in international journals including Review of Economics and Statistics, European Economic Review, Japanese Economic Review, Journal of Asian Economics and Monograph papers in North-Holland, Cambridge University Press, Springer and Edward Elgar, etc.
<BR><BR>안충영 박사는 현재 대기업과 중소기업간의 자발적인 협력과 시너지효과를 추구하는 대한민국 동반성장위원회 위원장을 맡고 있다. 직전에는 무역 투자 진흥 공사와 해외투자자 사이에서 분쟁중재자인 외국인투자옴부즈만(2006-2014)과 대통령 직속 규제개혁위원장(2010-2012)을 지냈다. 또한 중앙대학교 국제대학원 석좌교수와 더불어 안식기간에 대외경제정책연구원장(2002-2005), 아시아태평양경제협력체(APEC) 경제위원회 의장, 조흥은행 행장추천위원회 위원장, 국제부흥개발은행 자문, 말레이시아 산업기본설계를 위한 말레이시아 수상실 산하 국제연합공업개발기구(UNIDO) 연구단장을 역임했고 한국국제경제학회, 한국국제통상학회, 그리고 한국계량경제학회 등 한국의 다양한 학회의 회장으로 있었다.
안충영 박사는 매일경제신문에서 선정한 올해의 경제학자상, “현대동아시아경제론”으로 일본 경제기획청 산하 종합연구개발기구(NIRA)에서 제정한 오키다 정책연구상과 전국경제인연합회의 시장경제대상을 수상했다.
아울러 오하이오 주립대학에서 박사학위를 받은 후 Review of Economics and Statistics, European Economic Review, Japanese Economic Review, Journal of Asian Economics등 국제학술지에 많은 글을 기고했고 North-Holland출판사 , Cambridge 대학 언론사, Springer출판사, Edward Elgar 출판사 등에서 논문을 집필했다.