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PARK In-kook
Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies
President 사무총장
Park In-kook is the President of Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies(KFAS). He previously served as Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Republic of Korea to the United Nations(2008-2011), Deputy Foreign Minister for Policy Planning and International Organizations(2006), and Secretary to the President for International Security(2002-2003). He is a visiting professor at the Graduate School of International Studies at Seoul National University(2012-2014) and at Korea University(2016-present). He also serves as the co-chair of the board of Asia Research Centers of major Chinese Universities including Peking University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, and Renmin University of China.

박인국 사무총장은 1978년 외무고시 12기로 외교부에 입부하여 33년간 직업 외교관으로 근무하며 주UN대사(2008-2011), 외교통상부 외교정책 실장(2006), 대통령 국제안보 비서관(2002-2003)을 역임했다. 서울대(2012-2014)와 고려대(2016-현재) 국제대학원 초빙교수이며, 북경대, 청화대, 복단대, 중국인민대 등 주요 중국 대학의 아시아연구센터 공동이사장을 맡고 있다.