PARK Ji-Yong | |
Korean council for reconciliation and coopreation(KCRC)
민족화해협력범국민협의회 Executive Director 사무처장
PARK JI-YONG is an Executive Director of Korean Council for Reconciliation and Coopreation(KCRC). He has been actively engaging in various social and cultural exchange projects between South and North Korea. He worked for 'The Korean Council for Unification Education', 'The Hankyoreh Foundation for Reunification and Culture', 'The Joint Board of South and North Korea For the Compilation of Gyeoremal-keunsajeon', etc..
<BR><BR>다양한 남북 사회문화교류 사업에 참여했고, 통일교육협의회, 한겨레통일문화재단, 겨레말큰사전남북공동편찬사업회 등을 거쳐 현재 민족화해협력범국민협의회(민화협) 사무처장으로 활동하고 있다. |