MIMURA Mitsuhiro | |
Research Division, Economc Research Institute for Northeast Asia
환일본해경제연구소(ERINA) Senior Research Fellow 주임연구원
MIMURA Mitsuhiro is a Senior Research Fellow of Research Division at
ERINA (Economic Research Institute for Northeast Asia) in Niigata, Japan. He received Ph. D. in Jurisprudence from Graduate School of Law, Osaka University, Japan in 2001. Upon graduation he has been making a research at ERINA. His area of study includes North Korean economy, North Korean law, and Inter-Korean Relationship and Northeast Asian economic integration. Since 1996, he has visited North Korea more than thrity times. He often visits various cities in Northeast Asia including Pyongyang for academic exchange. He is one of the rare Japanese scholars who are able to exchange thoughts directly with North Koreans scholars in Pyongyang. Supported by colleagues in both Koreas, China, Russia, the U.S., the E.U. and Japan, his research has deep insight into how Northeast Asia and widely accepted in Northeast Asian countries including North Korea. Based on his unique experience, he advocates a new perspective of integrated North East Asian economy. <BR><BR>미무라미쯔히로 환일본해경제연구소 (ERINA) 조사연구부 주임연구원 1969년 일본 오사카 출생. 오사카외국어대학 외국어학부 조선어과 및 오사카대학 법학부 졸업. 오사카대학대학원 법학연구과박사 전, 후기 과정 수료. 오사카대학박사(법학). 2001년 환일본해경제연구소(ERINA) 입소. 조사연구부 연구원, 연구주임, 조사연구부장 등을 역임한 후 현직. 전문분야는 북한경제, 북한법, 한반도 남북경제교류 및 동북아 경제교류. 주요 저서로 『해부 북조선 리스크』(공저, 일본 일본경제연구센터, 2016년), 『경제에서 본 북조선』(공저 , 일본 아카시서점, 2010년)、『북조선과 인간의 안전보장』(공저, 일본 케이오대학출판회, 2009년)、『현대중국법강의』(공저, 일본 법률문화사, 2008년) 등이 있다. |