HAN Sung Joo | |
Korea University
고려대학교 Professor Emeritus 명예교수
Professor Han Sung-Joo is Chairman of the International Policy Studies Institute of Korea. He is also a Professor Emeritus at Korea University. Prof. Han previously served as the Minister of Foreign Affairs (1993-94), UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Cyprus (1996-97), a member of the UN Inquiry Commission on the 1994 Rwanda Genocide (1999), Chairman of the East Asia Vision Group (2000-2001), Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to the United States (2003-2005), and Acting President of Korea University(2002, 2006-2007)
Prof. Han is a graduate of Seoul National University (1962) and received a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of California, Berkeley (1970). Previously, he taught at City University of New York (1970-78) and was a visiting Professor at Columbia University (1986-87) and Stanford University (1992, 1995). He was also a Distinguished Fellow at the Rockefeller Brothers Fund (1986-87). His English publications include Korean Diplomacy in an Era of Globalization (1995), Korea in a Changing World (1995), and Changing Values in Asia (1999). He has many publications in Korean, including Nam Gwa Puk, kurigo Sekye (The Two Koreas and the World) (2000). <BR><BR> 현재 고려대학교 정치외교학과 명예교수, 재단법인 국제정책연구원 이사장, 전직으로는 외무부 장관(1993-94), UN 사무총장 특별 대표(사이프러스 담당, 1996-97), UN르완다 인종학살 조사위원(1999), 주미대사(2003-2005)를 역임하였다. 한승주 교수는 서울대학교를 졸업(1962)하고 UC Berkeley에서 정치학 박사 학위(1970)를 취득하였다. 고려대학교에 재직하기 이전에 뉴욕시립대학교 부교수(1970-78)로 재직하였으며, 미 콜럼비아대 초빙교수 겸 록펠러형제기금 명예연구원1986-87), 스탠포드 대학교 교환교수(1992, 1995)를 역임하였다. 저서로는 Korean Diplomacy in an Era of Globalization (1995), Korea in a Changing World (1995), Changing Values in Asia (1999) [남과북 그리고 세계] 등이 있다. |