PARK Enna | |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs(MOFA)
Ambassador for Public Diplomacy 공공외교대사
Ambassador Enna Park joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs(MOFA) in 1985 and obtained her M.A. degree in International Relations from Columbia University in 1989. Later on she was Visiting Fellow of Columbia University in 2010. As career diplomat she was posted to the Korean Embassy of India(Second Secretary); Permanent Mission to the United Nations; Consulate General in New York(Consul); Embassy in the People's Republic of China. At the office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Korea she served as Protocol Officer at the Office of the President; Director of Planning and Research Division at the Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security (IFANS); Director of Regional Cooperation Division at the Multilateral Trade Bureau; Director-General for Development Cooperation and presently holding her post as the Ambassador for Public Diplomacy.