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HONG Jae-Hwan
Korea Institute for National Unification
Research Fellow 부연구위원
Dr. Jea-Hwan Hong is a Research Fellow of North Korean Studies Division at the Korea Institute for National Unification (KINU). He received his Ph.D. degree from Seoul National University, and conducted his postdoctoral research at Korea University. Dr. Hong’s main research areas cover the North Korean Economy, Inter-Korean Economic Cooperation, Economic Development, and Korean Economic History. His publications include “Human Rights Situation of Women and Children in North Korea” (2016), “Current Status of Operation and Governance of North Korean Corporations” (2016), and “Development Cooperation to Promote the Economic Activities of Ordinary People in North Korea” (2016).
<BR><BR>홍제환 통일연구원 북한연구실 부연구위원은 서울대학교에서 경제학 박사학위를 취득하였다. 주요 연구영역은 북한경제, 남북경협, 경제발전론, 한국경제사이며, 주요 저서로는 『북한 여성, 아동 인권 실태』 (2016), 『북한 기업의 운영실태 및 지배구조』 (2016), 『북한 민생경제 진흥을 위한 개발협력 방안』 (2016) 등이 있다.