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CHO Jeong-ah
Korea Institute for National Unification
Senior Research Fellow 선임연구위원
Dr. Cho, Jeong-ah obtained her ph.D. degree from Seoul National University, majoring in Education. She has been carrying out her research on North Korean Society, North Korea Education, and Unification Education issues in Korea Institute for National Unification. he has been a member of unification education advisory committee to the present.
<BR><BR>조정아 박사는 서울대학교에서 교육학 박사학위를 받았으며 현재 통일연구원에서 북한사회, 북한교육, 통일교육 등을 연구하고 있다. 현재는 통일부 정책자문위원으로 활동 중이다.