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ZHAO Sophia
Center for Creative Leadership
Senior Research Faculty 선임연구원
Sophia is a Senior Research Faculty at the Center for Creative Leadership. Prior to joining CCL in 2010, Sophia’s job mainly focused on research and teaching. The research topics that she has examined include: career development, social support and support seeking, work-related stress, work-family relationship, family business groups in Asia, HR outsourcing and computer mediated communication. The research findings were published in prestigious academic journals and/or presented in top-tier conferences. Sophia also had three years’ teaching experience in the Department of Management and Organization, NUS Business School.

She is based in CCL’s APAC office in Singapore and work in the Global Research and Evaluation team. Her work focuses on conducting research about leadership and leadership development in specific sectors, regions and populations in order to make significant contributions to the understanding of leadership and leadership development. Her current research interest focuses on senior leadership, women leadership, and global leadership.

Sophia is a core member of the Asian Women Initiative and Network (AWIN) team that focuses on supporting women’s and girls’ leadership development.

Sophia holds a Ph.D. degree from National University of Singapore, with full academic scholarship. She also obtained her B.A. degree in economics from Fudan University, where she received the People’s Scholarship every year.

Sophia has published more than 20 academic journal papers, research reports, white papers and media articles. She is an associate faculty in Singapore University of Social Science, and Beijing Normal University.