HARUKI Wada | |
Tokyo University
동경대학교 Emeritus Professor 명예교수
Historian (Modern Russian History and Korean Studies). Professor emeritus,
University of Tokyo. Born 13 January 1938. The last position was Professor, Director, Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo. Retired March 1998. Worked in Asian Women’s Fund for comfort women from 1995 to 2007. The last position was, Executive Director (2005-2007) . At present Secretary General, Japanese Association for Promotion of Diplomatic Normalization with DPRK (from 2000) . Main books The Korean War: an International History, New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2014. An Contemporary History of North Korea. Tokyo: Iwanami, 2012. Seoul: Changjak kwa Pipyong sa, 2014. Taipei: Linking Publishing Company, 2015. How to solve the territorial issue: From Confrontation to Dialogue. Tokyo: Heibonsha, 2012. Seoul: Sagyechol, 2013. Experience of the Asian Women’s Fund: To Pomote Solution of the Comfort Women Issue. Tokyo: Heibonsha, 2015. Seoul: Yoksakonggan, 2016 <BR><BR>사학자(근현대 러시아사와 한국학) 이다. 도쿄대 석좌교수로 동 대학에서 정년은퇴(1998) 하기 전까지 사회과학연구소 소장을 역임했다. 1995~2007년 Asian Women’s Fund for comfort women에서 근무했으며 이사직을 역임(2005~2007) 했으며 2000~현재 Japanese Association for Promotion of Diplomatic Normalization with DPRK 에서 사무총장직을 맡고있다. 주요 저서로는 books The Korean War: an International History, New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2014. An Contemporary History of North Korea. Tokyo: Iwanami, 2012. Seoul: 창작과비평사, 2014. Taipei: Linking Publishing Company, 2015. How to solve the territorial issue: From Confrontation to Dialogue. Tokyo: Heibonsha, 2012. Seoul: 사계절, 2013. Experience of the Asian Women’s Fund: To Pomote Solution of the Comfort Women Issue. Tokyo: Heibonsha, 2015. Seoul: 역사공간, 2016 등이 있다. |