LEE Kang Duk | |
Korean-American Club
한미클럽 President 회장
이강덕은 1962년 생으로 서울대 정치학과를 졸업한 후1990년 KBS에 입사해 정치부장 해설위원 워싱턴특파원 미주지국장 디지털뉴스국장 대외협력실장과 63대·관훈클럽 총무을 지내며 34년간 언론 현장을 지켜왔습니다. 현재 전현직 미국 특파원들의 모임인 한미클럽 회장으로 일하면서 국제 외교안보의 흐름을 짚어보는 ‘한미저널’을 발간을 주도했고 한미동맹재단 이사를 맡고 있다.
Lee, Kang Duk was born in 1962 and graduated from the Department of Political Science at Seoul National University. After graduating, he joined KBS in 1990 and served as the head of the political department, a commentator, Washington correspondent, head of the North America Bureau, head of the digital news department, and director of external cooperation. He also served as president of the 63rd KwanHun Club and worked in the field of media for 34 years. Currently, he works as the president of the Hanmi Club, an association of former U.S. correspondents, and leads the publication of 'Hanmi Journal,' which explores the flow of international diplomacy and security. He is also a director of the Korea-U.S. Alliance Foundation. |