SHIN Hochang | |
Sogang University
서강대학교 Professor 교수
신호창 교수는 전북대 신문방송학과, 이화여자대학교 언론홍보영상학부를 거쳐 지금은 서강대학교 지식융합미디어학부 교수로 재직하고 있다. 한국PR학회 회장과 국제 커뮤니케이션 학회 PR분과장을 역임하였으며, 지금은 국제PR과 외교를 접목한 학문인 공공외교(Public Diplomacy)를 연구하는 한국공공외교학회의 회장이다. 저서로는 ‘피할 수 없는 PR,' ’PR전략론,‘ ’정책PR,‘ ’사내커뮤니케이션,‘ ’마케팅PR 전략과 사례,‘ ’한국형 공공외교 평가모델‘ 그리고 ’전략적 커뮤니케이션‘ 등이 있다.
Hochang Shin, Professor of the School of Communications at Sogang University, had served as the Chair for the Public Relations Division of International Communication Association(ICA) and was the President of Korean Academic Society for Public Relations(2005-2007) and is currently the President of Korean Association for Public Diplomacy. He had been(or is currently) consultant for various government departments and companies. He has published the several communication books: Unavoidable Public Relations, Public Relations Strategies, Government Public Relations: Theories and Strategies, Integrated Employee Communications, Marketing Public Relations Strategies, Strategic Communications, Assessing Public Diplomacy Activities and Handbook of Public Relations. |