KIM Gheewhan | |
Korea Foundation
한국국제교류재단 President 이사장
김기환 한국국제교류재단 제14대 이사장은 서울대학교 법학과를 졸업하였고 영국 캠브릿지 대학에서 법학 석사 학위를 취득하였다. 1983년 외교부에 입부하여, 신흥시장과장, 주러시아참사관, 주영국참사관, 통상법무과장, 자유무역협정정책국 심의관, 다자통상국장 등을 거쳐 2011년 주미국공사로 근무하였으며, 2015년 주뉴욕총영사로 재직했다. 2007년에는 2012여수국제박람회 유치지원 대책반장도 역임한 바 있다. 2008년 근정포장, 2018년 홍조근정훈장을 수상하였다.
President Kim graduated from Seoul National University with a major in law (LL.B.) and also received his Master of Law degree (LL.M.) from the University of Cambridge. He joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) in 1983. His former positions include as Director of the Emerging Markets Division, Counsellor of the ROK Embassy in Russian Federation and in the United Kingdom, Director of the Trade Dispute Settlement Division, Deputy Director-General for the FTA Policy Bureau, Director-General for Multilateral Trade. In 2011, he served as Minister of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in the USA and as Consul-General at the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in New York from 2015 to 2017. In 2007, he was appointed as head of the task force for hosting the Expo 2012 Yeosu. He received the Service Merit Medal in 2008, and Order of Service Merit (red Stripes Medal) in 2018. |