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HYUN Seung-Yoon
The Korea Economic Daily
Executive Director 전무이사
현승윤은 1966년 제주 출생으로 오현고, 서울대 경제학과를 졸업한 뒤 한국경제신문사에 입사해 기자로 활동했다. 경제 정책과 금융 분야에 대한 글을 많이 썼다. 경제부장과 IT모바일부장 중소기업부장을 거친 뒤 편집국장을 지냈다. 교육부 직업능력개발원과 한국경제신문이 공동 개최하는 글로벌인재포럼 사무국장도 역임했다. 이후 신문사 경영 관련 업무에 참여하면서 기획조정실장을 맡았고, 지금은 전무이사 겸 경영지원실장으로 일하고 있다. 저서로는 <노무현 경제 희망찾기>(2004년) <보수 진보의 존쟁을 넘어서>(2005년) <유쾌하게 돈 버는 법 67>(2006년) 등이 있다.

Hyun Seung-yoon was born in Jeju in 1966. After graduating from Oh Hyun High School and Seoul National University's Department of Economics, he joined the Korea Economic Daily and worked as a reporter. He has written extensively on economic policy and finance. After serving as the head of the economics department, the IT mobile department, and the small and medium-sized business department, he served as editor-in-chief. He also served as the secretary general of the Global Talent Forum co-hosted by the Ministry of Education's Vocational Competency Development Center and the Korea Economic Daily. Since then, while participating in newspaper management-related work, he served as the head of the Planning and Coordination Office, and is now working as the managing director and head of the management support office. His books include <Finding Economic Hope for Roh Moo-hyun> (2004), <Beyond the Religious War between Conservatives and Progressives> (2005), and <67 Ways to Make Money Pleasantly> (2006).