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CHOE Wongi
Center for ASEAN-Indian Studies, Korea National Diplomatic Academy
국립외교원 아세안인도연구센터
Professor/Head 책임교수
최원기 국립외교원 교수는 서울대 외교학과와 동 대학원을 졸업하고, 미국 워싱턴 대학(University of Washington)에서 정치학 박사 학위를 받았다. 현재 국립외교원 아세안인도 연구센터의 책임교수를 맡고 있으며, 동남아시아, 남아시아 그리고 인도태평양을 주제로 연구를 진행하고 있다. 최근 연구로는 “South Korea’s New Southern Policy: the Limits of Indo-Pacific Geopolitics”(2023), “The ROK’s Indo-Pacific Strategy under President Yoon: Key Elements and Strategic Implications”(2022), “Is Seoul Turning toward the Indo-Pacific? A Korean Perspective on the Moon-Biden Summit”(2021), "한-아세안 외교 30년을 말하다" (2019, 공편) 등이 있다.

CHOE Wongi is a professor in the Department of Asia-Pacific Studies and serves as the Head of the Center for ASEAN–Indian Studies at the Korea National Diplomatic Academy (KNDA). He leads KNDA's research on Southeast Asia, South Asia and the broader Indo-Pacific. He served as a member of advisory group at the Presidential Committee on New Southern Policy under the previous Moon Jae-in government in Korea. His current research focuses on the role of Korea in the geo-political dynamics and regional architecture in the Indo-Pacific. His most recent writings include “South Korea’s New Southern Policy: the Limits of Indo-Pacific Geopolitics” (book chapter, forthcoming in April 2023); “The ROK’s Indo-Pacific Strategy under President Yoon: Key Elements and Strategic Implications” (December 2022); “Is Seoul Turning toward the Indo-Pacific? A Korean Perspective on the Moon-Biden Summit” (2021); “Australia and Korea: Middle Powers in Uncharted Waters” (November 2021); “The Quest for Strategic Balance and South Korea’s Indo-Pacific Conundrum” (August 2021); Thirty Years of ASEAN-ROK Relations (A co-edited volume in Korean, 2019), etc. He received BA and MA in international relations from Seoul National University in Korea and PhD in political science from University of Washington in the United States.