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YANG In Heon
Five-leaf Clover
Team Member 팀원
양인헌은 제주대학교를 졸업한 학사이며 주전공으로 행정학, 지역개발학을 전공하였다. 행정학과 지역개발학을 전공하여 제주라는 ‘공간’과 ‘발전’에 대한 생각을 하였고 이를 위한 인재로 거듭하기 위한 노력을 하고 있다. 2021년도에 행정학과 학회장, 2022년도 제주대학교 총학생회 인권국장을 맡았다. 또한 제주대학교 제각기 학회에서 작성한 ‘미디어 콘텐츠를 통한 제주 문화해독력 탐구 – 제주 지역문화 발전을 중심으로’라는 논문을 통해 백록학술상을 수상했다. 현재는 제주포럼 청년사무국 오잎클로버의 기획국으로 활동하고 있다.

Inheon-Yang is an graduate at Jeju National University public administration and regional development. By majoring in public administration and regional development, he thought about the "space" and "development" of Jeju, and is making efforts to become a talented person. In 2021, he was the president of the Academy of Public Administration, and he was the director of the Human Rights of the Jeju National University Student Council in 2022. he also won the Baekrok Academic Award through a dissertation titled "Exploring Jeju Cultural Reading Power through Media Content - Focusing on the Development of Jeju Regional Culture" written by the Jeju National University Society. Currently, He has a strong tendency in science and engineering, so he started studying big data and is engaged in activities to broaden his insight, he is working as the Team designer of the Five-leaf Clover of the Jeju Forum Youth Secretariat.