NAM Jungho | |
Korea Maritime Institute
한국해양수산개발원 해양정책연구실 Research Fellow 연구위원
Dr. Nam, Jungho has been working at Korea Maritime Institute (KMI) since 1996, which is a government-affiliated research entity under the Prime Minister’s Office. His researches cover integrated coastal planning, climate change adaptation, marine environment management, marine ecosystem protection, coastal conflict resolution, transboundary marine environmental affairs, official development assistance, marine science and technology application etc. He has contributed to the formulation of marine policies for his government and establishment of legal and institutional mechanisms for sustainable ocean and coasts. He also has been involved in global and regional environmental issues and their related activities, including land-based activities control, marine debris management, coastal watershed management, transboundary protected areas etc. He contributed to activities of PEMSEA, COBSEA, NOWPAP, YSLME and World Ocean Forum. He served members of National Commission on Sustainable Development, National Commission on Coastal Management, and National Commission on Land Use Regulation. And he has been leading Marine Ecosystem Service Research Network of Korea (MESN Korea).
<BR><BR>남정호 박사는 해양정책분야 연구자로, 1996년부터 한국해양수산개발원에서 근무하고 있다. 서울대학교에서 해양학으로 학사, 석사를 마쳤고, 동 대학 환경대학원에서 도시계획학-환경계획분야-으로 박사학위를 받았다. 국무총리 자문위원, 중앙연안관리심의회 위원, 토지이용규제심의회 위원, 지속가능발전위원회 전문위원 등을 역임하였으며, PEMSEA, COBSEA, NOWPAP, YSLME 등 국제기구와 협력사업을 수행하였다. |