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CHOO Jaewoo
Kyung Hee University
Professor 교수
주재우 교수는 미국 웨슬리언(Wesleyan) 대학 정치학과를 졸업하고, 중국 북경대학교 국제관계학원에서 석박사 학위를 받았다. 이후 국가안보전략연구원, 국제무역연구원에서 연구원을, 미국 브루킹스연구소(Brookings Institution) 방문학자를 역임했다. 2003년부터 경희대 중국어학과에 재직 중으로, 2021년 4월부터 한국국가전략연구원의 중국연구 센터장, 2022년부터 한중사회과학회 회장, 2023년부터 한국세계지역학회 회장을 맡고 있다. 관심 연구 분야는 중국외교, 미·중관계, 북·중관계와 다자안보 등이다.
저서로는 「한국인을 위한 미중관계사: 6.25전쟁에서 사드갈등까지(2017)」 , 「팩트로 읽는 미중의 한반도전략(2018)」 , 「북미관계: 그 숙명의 역사(2022)」 등이 있다.

Jaewoo Choo, Professor of Chinese foreign policy in the Department of Chinese Studies at Kyung Hee University, is also a director of China Studies Center at Korean Research Institute for National Strategy (KRINS) since 2021, the President of the Korean-Chinese Association of Social Science(2022-2023), and the President of the Korean Association of Area Studies(2023). Previous experiences include research fellow at the National Security Policy Institute and International Trade Institute, visiting professor at Georgia Tech (2011-12), and visiting fellow at East Asia Institute of the National University of Singapore (2005, 2006, 2007-8) and the Brookings Institute (2014). Research interests include Chinese foreign policy, multilateral security cooperation, US-China relations, and China-North Korea relations. Recent publications include US-China relations for Koreans: From Korean War to THAAD Conflicts (Seoul: Kyung-In Publishing House, 2017), and US and China’s Strategy on the Korean Peninsula: Reading from the Facts (Seoul: Paper & Tree, 2018), and US and North Korea Relations: The Fate of the History (Seoul: Gyeonggye, 2022). He’s currently working on a book manuscript on China-North Korea relations in the post-Cold War era. He’s a graduate of Wesleyan University (BA in Government) and Peking University (MA & Ph.D. in International Relations).