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KANG Incheol
Jeju Special Self-Governing Province
Director – General of Welfare and Family Bureau 복지가족국장
강인철은 사회복지학 석사, 행정학 박사 과정을 마치고 서울시립북부장애인종합복지관 관장, 제19대 국회의원 보좌관, 보건복지부 장애인권익지원과장, (사)제주특별자치도지체장애인 협회장을 역임하며 장애인 차별방지, 편의증진, 자립지원 및 육성을 위해 힘써왔다.

현재는 제주특별자치도 복지가족국장으로 장애인의 사회참여를 위한 자존감 고취와 역량 강화를 위해 앞장서고 있다. 또한 장애인뿐 아니라 사회복지사, 활동지원사, 가사·간병인의 처우개선과 인권보호, 전문성 향상 등 복지 실현을 통한 삶의 질 향상을 위해 노력하고 있다.

Kang In-cheol has worked tirelessly to prevent discrimination against people with disabilities and promote their convenience, independence, and development. He completed a master's degree in social welfare and a doctoral degree in public administration, and served as the director of the Seoul Northern Welfare Center for the Disabled, an aide to the 19th National Assembly member, the Director of the Rights Promotion for Persons with Disabilities Bureau at the Ministry of Health and Welfare, and the president of the Jeju Special Self-Governing Association of Persons with Physical Disabilities.

Currently, as the general - director of the Welfare and Family Bureau of the Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, he is taking the lead in boosting the self-esteem and capacity of people with disabilities for their social participation. He is also striving for the improvement of the welfare of not only people with disabilities, but also social workers, activity support staff, and caregivers, by realizing welfare to enhance the quality of life and protect human rights while enhancing professionalism.