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JEE Hyun
Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) Eco-Innovation Center (ASEIC)
Policy, Planning, and Partnerships Team Leader 정책기획팀장
지현은 아셈 중소기업 혁신센터의 정책기획협력 팀장으로 있으며, 2019년 한국국제협력단에서 프로젝트 성과평가팀장, 개발 협력 및 젠더 전문가, 성과 관리 및 거버넌스 전문가를 역임했다. 그외에도 유엔자본개발기금(UNCDF) 및 유엔개발계획(UNDP)을 포함한 다양한 UN 기관에서 근무하기도 하였다.

지속 가능한 기후 탄력적 개발, 포괄적 거버넌스 및 제도 강화, 공공행정, 공공금융, 및 공공투자 관리, 민관 파트너십(PPP)를 통한 혁신 개발 금융 등 다양한 정책분야에서의 경험을 가지고 있다.

Currently, Hyun Jee is a Leader of the Policy, Planning, and Partnerships Team of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Eco-Innovation Center (ASEIC). In addition, she was a Leader of the End of Project Evaluation Team, a Development Cooperation and Gender Specialist, and a Performance Management and Governance Specialist at the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) in 2019. She does have many experiences with UN organizations such as UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) and UN Development Programme (UNDP), where she worked as a Technical Specialist in Local Governance & Development Finance.

Hyun Jee has worked in various policy areas and regarding the cross-cutting issues covered including but not limited to; Sustainable and climate-resilient development, Inclusive governance and institutional strengthening, Public administration, financial, and investment management, Innovative development financing via public-private partnerships (PPPs), Green growth and sustainable industrialization via innovation and many others.