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YANG Jong Hoon
Jeju Haenyeo Culture and Art Research Association
사단법인 제주해녀문화예술연구협회
Chairman 이사장
2000-2005 호주왕립대학교 Art & Culture 예술학 박사
1988-1991 미국 Ohio University Visual Communication 석사
1984-1988 중앙대학교 예술대학 예술학 학사
1992-현재 상명대학교 대학원 디지털이미지학과 교수
2021-현재 대한민국 국회 국민소통위원장
2022-현재 제주도 서귀포시 홍보대사
2016-2022 한국사진학회 14-16대 회장
2012-현재 국방부 정책자문위원
2019-현재 해양경찰청 홍보대사 및 명예총경
2021-현재 서울영상진흥위원회 위원

2000-2005 Ph.D. in Art & Culture from Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) in Australia
1988-1991 Master's degree in Visual Communication from Ohio University in the United States
1984-1988 Bachelor's degree in Art from Chung-Ang University in South Korea
1992-present Professor of Dept. of Digital Image, at Graduate School of Sangmyung University
2021-present Chairman of Public Relations Commission in National Assembly of Korea
2022-present PR Ambassador for Seogwipo City, Jeju Island
2016-2022 14th-16th President of The Korea Photography Society
2012-present Policy Advisor for Ministry of National Defense
2019-present PR Ambassador & Honorary Chief Superintendent of the Korea Coast Guard
2021-present Member of the Seoul Film Commission